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She spoke as if every one should be satisfied then, if they dragged out separate existences until they had attained that hoary age, and Miss Bruce-Drummond, hard on forty-one, grinned with entire good nature. "And I daresay they'll keep you over here all the while, not let you go home for holidays, for fear you might lose your heads and bolt for Gretna Green?" "Mercy, no!"

"Tell me, Comtesse, if I had tapped at your window, would you have looked out and come with me?" "There was a bad thunder-storm, if I recollect. We should have got wet," I laughed, in a hollow way. He could not know how he was hurting me; he should not see, at all events. "You would have been very dear to take to Gretna Green," he continued.

We will talk about my eccentricity later. Here is Cyrus." Kilfane was standing in the entrance to the stage door of the theatre at which he was playing. As the car drew up he lifted two leather grips on to the step, and Mareno, descending, took charge of them. "Come along, Mollie," said Kilfane, looking back. Miss Gretna, very excited, ran out and got into the car beside Rita.

"And while we are upon toasts," says he, bracing immediately, "I give you the immortal Miss Manners! Her beauty has dwelt unfaded in my memory since I last beheld her, aboard the Betsy." Remarking the pain in my face, he added, with a concern which may have been comical: "And she is not married?" "Unless she is lately gone to Gretna, she is not," I replied, trying to speak lightly. "Alack!

After wandering about for some time, and meeting with various adventures, in one of which I contrived to obtain a pony, cart, and certain tools used by smiths and tinkers, I came to this place, where I amused myself with making horse-shoes, or rather pony-shoes, having acquired the art of wielding the hammer and tongs from a strange kind of smith not him of Gretna Green whom I knew in my childhood.

She took down her mandolin, and commenced a ditty. 'Twas a sweet and wild one. It told how a lady of high lineage cast her eyes on a peasant page; it told how nought could her love assuage, her suitor's wealth and her father's rage: it told how the youth did his foes engage; and at length they went off in the Gretna stage, the high-born dame and the peasant page.

A newsboy thrust open the swing-door, yelling: "Bond Street murder! A fresh development. Late speshul!" "Oh!" cried Mollie Gretna to her companion, "get me a paper. Be quick! I am so excited!" Kerry took up a pen, and in large bold hand-writing inscribed the following across two pages of the visitors' book: "Chief Inspector Kerry. Criminal Investigation Department."

You will imagine yourself reading the account of some ordinary lover's escapade a mere runaway match, a la Gretna Green. Rid yourself of this fancy. Know that all three of us had committed an act for which we were amenable.

At Gretna Green the blacksmith is performing a "Red-Hot Marriage," using his anvil for the altar. "Oh! Mr. Blacksmith, ease our pains, And tie us fast in wedlock's chains." The china decorated with vessels and alluding to naval matters shows how popular was the navy, and how deeply everything concerning Nelson's men had sunk into the minds of the people.

Such an unpublished marriage was known in New Hampshire as a "Flagg marriage," from one Parson Flagg, of some notoriety, of Chester, Vermont, whose house was a sort of Yankee Gretna Green; and such a marriage was made possible by the action of the government of New Hampshire in issuing marriage licenses at the price of two guineas each, as a means of increasing its income.