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In another five minutes they were deep in a game of Kelly-pool from which Dick emerged triumphantly richer by the sum of a dollar and ninety cents, and Billy the poorer by the loss of a quarter. There is a town in Connecticut, within a reasonable motoring distance from New York that has been called the Gretna Green of America.

To keep him in ignorance of the real object of my journey, and thereby to delay his discovering himself and attempting to make me a prisoner, seemed the only plan on the safety of which I could place the smallest reliance. If I had ever had any idea of following the example of other runaway lovers, and going to Gretna Green, I should now have abandoned it.

We left Carlisle at a little past eleven, and within the half-hour were at Gretna Green. Thence we rushed onward into Scotland through a flat and dreary tract of country, consisting mainly of desert and bog, where probably the moss-troopers were accustomed to take refuge after their raids into England.

Nothing seemed to matter except to show my knight that after all my selfishness and thoughtlessness and conceit I had freed him. I would rather have been married anywhere than at Gretna Green, but Basil had set his heart on that place. We told my knight that Barbara was making me go away at once with Mrs. West and Basil; or rather, I let them explain. I couldn't.

He glanced at Rita, who was standing very near him, surveying the evil little room and its owner with ill-concealed disgust. "This is merely the foyer, Rita," he said, smiling slightly. "The state apartments are upstairs and in the adjoining house." "Oh," she murmured and no more. Kilfane and Mollie Gretna were passing through the inner doorway, and Mollie turned.

He had not appeared in this disguise for more than seventy years; in fact, not since he had so frightened pretty Lady Barbara Modish by means of it, that she suddenly broke off her engagement with the present Lord Canterville's grandfather, and ran away to Gretna Green with handsome Jack Castletown, declaring that nothing in the world would induce her to marry into a family that allowed such a horrible phantom to walk up and down the terrace at twilight.

Had she a high waist to that white silk dress in which she ran away to Gretna? and did she have ostrich feathers on her head? Anyhow, he entirely believed what she had told him of the men of that generation. They were capable of doing daring things for the sake of a sweetheart.

His eyes did not focus on any detail of the office building opposite. They had the far-away look which denotes a preoccupied mind. "Ever been to Golden?" he asked at last abruptly, swinging back in his seat and looking at his client. "No. Why?" "Golden is the Gretna Green of Denver, you know. When young people elope they go to Golden.

When I and others who had arrived by the same train issued from the station doors, the carriages awaiting us in the twilight comprised old yellow chariots, with postilions, like that of my grandfather in which I had swung myself when a child. I said to Augustus Hare, who happened to be one of the party, "One would think that we all of us were going to Gretna Green."

How, during the governor's absence in search of their friends, Cobbs, feeling himself all the while to be "the meanest rascal for deceiving 'em, that ever was born," gets up a cock and a bull story about a pony he's acquainted with, who'll take them on nicely to Gretna Green but who was not at liberty the first day, and the next was only "half clipped, you see, and couldn't be took out in that state for fear it should strike to his inside" was related with the zest of one who had naturally the keenest relish possible for every humorous particular.