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"Do you know any of the gazabos about here? I want some one to watch the ginks who are watchin' the mutts who are watchin' the aeroplane." Dougherty laughed at this suggestion of a treble surveillance and pointed out a lanky looking individual who was studying the machine closely from the outer side of the roped-circle. "That's Pedro," he said. "He's all right.

An' anudder ting I'm goin' to do afore I cashes in I'm goin' to put a few of dem ginks in de cabin wise to where dey stands wit one anudder. If I don't start something before I goes out me name's not Billy Byrne." At this juncture Skipper Simms appeared with the three weapons he had gone to his cabin to fetch.

"There ain't been nothin' fony about our trailin', bo," insisted Byrne, "an' whether Japs are bean collectors or not here's where de ginks dat copped de doll hiked fer, an if dey ain't dere now it's because dey went t'rough an' out de odder side, see." "Hush, Byrne," whispered Theriere. "Drop down behind this bush.

"No, sir, we will not," answered Jenkins. "Things are too serious for fighting. You must hand me that pistol and any arms you may have, and be confined to the wardroom. And you, Forsythe," he said, looking at the victim, "if you can master navigation, get busy and make good. And you other ginks get out of here.

At the Hotel California new comment buzzed between the garrulous clerk and the switchboard person, at sight of the well-known manager and his prosperous-looking companion. "Who is that come on?" asked the clerk of the bellboy. "Sure, dat's Montague Shirley, one of dem rich ginks from de College Club on Forty-fourth Street, where I used to woik in de check room.

"Elmer," she said, "exactly what was it that you told your friends to do to him? And what was it that they did? I can never remember the words." "Poke him," said Elmer, addressing Cleggett. "I tells these ginks to poke him. But these ginks tells th' little dame here they t'inks I has said to croak him. So they goes an' croaks him. D' youse get me?"

"Miss Leavitt," Win whispered, "would it be possible for you to take my man, who wants a doll for a middle-aged sister I mean, middle-sized and let me attend to your customer?" Miss Leavitt threw a green-eyed glance at the man indicated, and said: "Ginks! Ye-h!" as quickly as she could draw breath.

Pop hates it as much as me, but he's scared to kick. Mother says vegetables contain all the proteins you want. Mother says, if you eat meat, your blood-pressure goes all blooey. Do you think it does?" "Mine seems pretty well in the pink." "She's great on talking," conceded the boy. "She's out to-night somewhere, giving a lecture on Rational Eating to some ginks.

We are not going to take it for granted that we're down and out, just because we happen to have fallen into the hands of a lot of savages. We're not going to take, lying down, anything and everything that they choose to hand out to us. I guess I am going to have a chance to make these ginks sit up and take notice before they have done with me, and you bet I mean to do it.

"First thing is to get him on the bed an' cut his clothes off him. Both arms is broke, and here are the ginks that done it." He indicated the two strangers, who shuffled their feet with embarrassment and looked more sheepish than ever. Billy sat down on the bed, and while Saxon held the lamp, Bud and the strangers proceeded to cut coat, shirt, and undershirt from him.