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I likes the cut o' yer fore-sils, lad, an' the lines o' yer hull, so I tells ye, man to man like, watch out for the skipper. Aye, armed or empty-handed, alone or wid a crew at yer back, watch out for Black Dennis Nolan. He bes a grand lad in his own way, an' ginerous an' fair wid his friends but Saint Peter help the man who hauls acrost his bows!

" and you know I have always stood for what was right among you " "Always! Give me five dollars for my vote last 'lection, ginerous man!" Fairfield lifted his voice and hastened to drown these revelations of his generosity. "I believe in woman! She has been the 'pillow' of cloud by day and fire by night " "Candle in the window, John, don't forget that!"

Sure, I felt desperate bad about it at the time an' now I feels worse. Aye, sir, worse, seein' as how ye be sich a fine, grand ginerous young gintleman as ye be. An' then the way he ups an' takes all yer gold an' fine jewels away from ye, an' ye t'inkin' all the time 'twas the folk o' Nap Harbor done it!" "Yes, it was certainly an unmannerly trick," said Darling, quietly.

McCarty took him to the Rookery the divil a mouthful he'd ate durin' the day and says, bein' a ginerous sort of body, come, take a drop, an' a bite to ate. Mister Toddleworth did that same, and thin lay the night on the floor. To-night it's the truth, God knows Tom Downey took him above. An' it's Tom who woundn't be the frind of the man who hadn't a shillin' in his pocket."

McCarty took him to the Rookery-the divil a mouthful he'd ate durin' the day-and says, bein' a ginerous sort of body, come, take a drop, an' a bite to ate. Mister Toddleworth did that same, and thin lay the night on the floor. To-night-it's the truth, God knows-Tom Downey took him above. An' it's Tom who woundn't be the frind of the man who hadn't a shillin' in his pocket."

Was this ginerous? was it discreet? was it subordinate? and, above all, was it classical? However, I will show you what greatness of mind is. I will convince you that it is more noble and god-like to forgive an injury, or rather five dozen injuries, than to avenge one; when hem -yes, I say, when I I might so easily avenge it.

Meredith, he completely broke down, and with snivels and wails besought his "dear ole friend" to be lenient and forbearing. "I made a mistake, squire," he pleaded; "but I allus liked yer, an' Phil he likes yer, an' naow yer're too ginerous ter push things too far, I knows." "Huh!" grunted the creditor. "I said I'd make ye cry small, ye old trimmer.

"Quite ginerous in you, Major," he said, "and all ship-shape and right. I like to see things done just in that way. Put up the money; we thank you as much as if we could take it, and that squares all accounts.

There's them that takes to cookin' by nature, I've heard, but I've niver seen any of 'em. There's rules to iverything, and iverybody must larn 'em. For 'tis the rule that opens the stingy hand, and shuts a bit the ginerous wan, and so kapes all straight." But little Jim turned a deaf ear to his mother's wisdom.

My principle, ma'am and 'tis one I glory in is to defend the absent in gineral, for it is both charitable and ginerous to do so in gineral, I say; but when I know that they are unjustly aspersed, I contemplate it as' an act of duty on my part to vindicate them." "Well," replied Mrs. Cavanagh, "that's all very right an' thrue, Mr. Finigan." "It is, Mr.