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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Can ye see the Gineral, Kurnel?" said he, with the utmost apparent deference; "av coorse ye can, sir, only it'll be necessary for you to lave your carriage an' the horses and the nagur here in the care of these gintlemen, while I takes ye to the Gineral mesilf." "Why can I not drive on?" "Why can't ye dhrive? Is it a Kurnel ye is, an' don't know that?

Pigworth remarked: "Podhammer and Gineral Chetley slept in that air one. Colonel Hockensacker and Judge Waterfield in t'other. There was four other mattresses put down here that night, each of 'em with two of our most distinguished citizens on it. That convention was worth to me a good hundred dollars."

"Gorblime! Who would ha' thought it?" Then he spat lustily and sucked at his pipe. "You've nothing to say against it, have you?" "No, Cap'en." "All right. And look here, when we're in the army you must chuck calling me Cap'en." "What shall I have to call yer? Gineral?" Chipmunk asked simply. "Mate, Bill, Joe any old name." "Ker-ist!" said Chipmunk. "Do you know why we're going to enlist?"

"We've been baking cake to-day, and there's more to do to-morrow. The General and Mrs. Brady are going to give little Jim a party Friday evening. General Brady is wonderfully pleased with Jim." Then indeed he had his mother's attention. "A party, is it?" she said with gratified pride. "'Tis the Gineral and Mrs. Brady that knows how to take a body's full cup and jist run it over.

"'Come to see the Gineral, I s'pose, stranger? our Carolinian inquired, with a suspicious look, touching a companion beside him on the arm. To his inquiry I returned nothing shorter!

There was a general outburst of surprise and satisfaction. "By gosh, it looks like gineral trainin, or'n ordination." "Looks kinder 'z if a good many fellers b'sides us hed business with the jestices this mornin." "I'd no idee courts wuz so pop'lar." "They ain't stocks nuff in Berkshire fer all the fellers as is out tidday, that's one sure thing, by gol."

And it was personal, too. Hank, he would listen until he hearn a woman's voice that he knowed, and then he would let loose on her fambly, going backwards to her grandfathers and downwards to her children's children. If her father had once stolen a hog, or her husband done any disgrace that got found out on him, Hank would put it all into his gineral remarks, with trimmings onto it.

"I never hear tell the 'Peskypalians is more regulars than other folks," said Felix. If you gib me your 'tention, I make it all plain as de road Gineral Washington show de British out ob de country. You see when I was in de army in de glorious war ob de Resolution, we say prayers sometime as well as you folks who stay at home, and don't do none ob de fightin.

I calculate you don't understand us. The most splendid location atween the Poles is the United States, and the first man alive is Gineral Jackson, the hero of the age, him that skeered the British out of their seven senses. Then there's the great Danel Webster, its generally allowed, he's the greatest orator on the face of the airth, by a long chalk, and Mr. Van Buren, and Mr.

Packages that has thim on can't go. Nawthin' that has thim in thim or on thim or about thim can't go. Gineral order number sivin " "Look here," said Mr. Warold slowly. "I tell you, Flannery, that those words are the names of a company "

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