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Updated: August 9, 2024

She pulled her square-rimmed spectacles down on her nose and squinted up at us. When she saw me, she started back and dropped her hands. "Great fathers!" she ejaculated, "I hope I may go to the blessed God if it ain't Quiller gaddin' over the country, an' Mister Ward a-dyin'." It seemed to me that the earth lurched as it swung, and every joint in my body went limber as a rag.

"I knowed what that meant, well enuff; it meant that, if I didn't do it right, I'd git a gaddin', 'cause the old man was famous for gaddins'. "Arter breakfast mother put me up a good dinner of bread and meat, and I shouldered my axe and started for the wood-lot, 'bout three miles up the mountain.

Davy, that's my old friend Mister Hulls Barrow, en that's Mister Collins, en you are Miss Maizie, I take hit," Landy added as Maizie stood up to see what was going on. "My young friend here was cut down to a boy's size in heft en stature but he shore makes up the difference in askin' questions en in gaddin' about.

Old Matt, the daddy of 'em, is reported as havin' a private graveyard, scattered eround somewhar. Hit might come in handy in this emergency. In yer gaddin' around have ye ever seen enything like hit?" concluded Landy, turning to Davy. "I never did!" said the midget emphatically. "It's got more entanglements than the time Solly Monheim took the bankrupt law to escape bankruptcy.

I don't mind spending three dollars on you if you feel bad, but I ain't a-goin' to have you made into any of these here new women, gaddin' about the city to women's clubs and savin' the country that don't need savin'. You jest mix up some sulphur and molasses and take it, and you will feel better, but don't let me hear no more of this new-woman nonsense." Watch and Pray

"And you may thank the Lord for that heavenly gift," she said, in a slightly lowered voice; "for ef ye hadn't to use it tonight, I'd shut ye up in your room, to make it pay for yer foolish gaddin' TONGUE! And I reckon I'll escort ye to chapel tonight myself, miss, and get shut o' some of this foolishness." The broad plaza of the Mission de la Concepcion had been baking in the day-long sunlight.

She no longer had cause to say: "Always gaddin' downtown, or over to Cora's or somewhere, like you didn't have a home to stay in. You ain't been in a evening this week, 'cept when you washed your hair." Tessie had developed a fondness for sunsets viewed from the back porch she who had thought nothing of dancing until three and rising at half-past six to go to work.

I don't hold wi' ladies no, nor passons neither not when it comes to meddlin' wi' your wittles, an' dictatin' to yer about forgivin' them as ha' got the better ov yer. That young lady there, what do she matter? That sort's allus gaddin' about? What'll she keer about us when she's got 'er fine husband? Here o' Saturday, gone o' Monday that's what she is. Now Jimmy Gedge, yer kin allus count on 'im.

"If I did take 'e, you'd be a gude an' faithful husband, Billy, not a gad-about?" "Cut my legs off if I go gaddin' further than to do your errands." "An' you'll keep these here buzzin' parties off me? Cuss 'em! They make my life a burden." "Doan't fear that. I'll larn 'em!" "Theer 's awnly wan I can bide of the whole lot an' that's my awn nephew, Clem Hicks.

"You must ask fust if they're both to home, and if only one of 'em is there, you'll have to find somebody else. If the minister's to home and his wife ain't gaddin', he'll get them four dollars in James's belt, leavin' an even two hundred, or do you think two dollars would be enough for a plain marriage?" "I'd leave that to Uncle James, Aunty."

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