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Updated: August 11, 2024

Id vt planè fiat, cûm nuper subditi nostri nonnulli Tripoli in Barbaria et Argellæ ab eius loci incolis voluntatem vestram fortè nescientibus malè habiti fuerint, et immaniter diuexati, Cæsaream vestram Maiestatem beneuolè rogamus, vt per Legatum nostrum eorum causam cognoscas, et postremò earum prouinciarum proregibus ac præfectis imperes, vt nostri liberè in illis locis, sine vi aut iniuria deinceps versari, et negotia gerere possint.

Above the doorway are the remains of some letters now illegible, but which are supposed when perfect to have expressed, from the Latin version of the Psalms, the words: Fuerint mihi lacrymae meae panes die ac nocte.

"Tot tantaque testimonia fidelitatis et affectus consanguinei nostri comitis Glamorganiae jamdudum accepimus, eamque in illo fiduciam merito reponimus, ut Sanctitas Vestra ei fidem merito praebere possit in quacumque re, de qua per se vel per alium nostro nomine cum Sanctitate Vestra tractaturus sit. Quaecumque vero ab ipso certo statuta fuerint, ea munire et confirmare pollicemur.

Codex, vi, 60, 1: Res, quae ex matris successione fuerint ad filios devolutae, ita sint in parentum potestate, ut fruendi dumtaxat habeant facultatem, dominio videlicet carum ad liberos pertinente. Neratius in Dig., 26, 1, 18. Codex, v, 35, 1. Codex, ii, 12, 18: alienam suscipere defensionem virile officium est ... filio itaque tuo, si pupillus est, tutorem pete. Ulpian, Tit. viii, 7a.

Let us band together against the fanaticism which crucified Him and which is now poisoning His Church; and if suffering be our reward, let us give thanks to the Father: 'Beati estis cum persecuti vos fuerint et dixerint omne malum adversum vos, mentientes, propter me." Don Paolo Faré started to his feet and embraced the orator. Di Leynì fixed upon him eyes aflame with enthusiasm.

Adams, referring to the accounts he had received that the attendance at the Presidential levees was much smaller than usual, and that the visitors were chiefly from among the President's old adversaries, the Whigs, remarked: "'Donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos Tempora si fuerint nubila solus eris.

The yoke of bondage of Christians, in respect of feasts, is heavier than the yoke of the Jews, not only for the multitude of them, but because Christianorum festa, ab hominibus tantum, judaeorum vero a Deo fuerint instituta, saith Hospinian.

Prudence, experience, and learning; see section 24. Dan. xii. 3: "Qui autem docti fuerint, fulgebunt quasi splendor firmamenti." Section 19. The Second State of Prayer. Its Supernatural Character.

And the object of oratory is "id agere, ut iudici quae proposita fuerint, vera et honesta videantur": i.e. the object is not truth, but persuasion. We might get an idea of how such a training would fail in forming character, if we could imagine all our liberal education subordinated to the practice of journalism.

If of the fickleness of friends, there is Cato, who will give you his distich: Donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos, Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris. "With these and such like bits of Latin they will take you for a grammarian at all events, and that now-a-days is no small honour and profit. "With regard to adding annotations at the end of the book, you may safely do it in this way.

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