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A new ditch is being dug accross the MR. Henry D. Vance backyrad. ;Tis about dug but nobody is working there now. Patty Fairchild received the highest mark in declamation of the 7A at Sumner School last Friday. Balf's grorcey wagon ran over a cat of the Mr. Rayfort family.

For an instant, he looked startled, then he straightened. "Paul Graham, sir," he announced. "Apartment 7A is ready for inspection." He stepped back. Morely looked him over critically, saw nothing that warranted criticism, and went inside, followed by Bond. Cursorily, the district leader let his gaze wander about the apartment.

Geo. the driver of the wagom stated he had not but was willing to take it away and burg it somewheres Geo. stated regret and claimed nothing but an accident which could not be helped and not his team that did the damage. MissColfield teacher of the 7A atSumner School was reproted on the sink list. We hope she will soon be well. There were several deaths in the city this week. Mr.

Paulus, iv, 9, 1-9. Gaius, i, 145. Ulpian, Tit., x, 5. Gaius, i, 137. For an example see Pliny, Letters, viii, 18. Cf. Spartianus. Didius Iulianus, 8: filiam suam, potitus imperio, dato patrimonio, emancipaverat. If emancipated children insulted or injured their parents, they lost their independence Codex, 8, 49 , 1. Ulpian, Tit., viii, 7a.

His professional profile showed considerable ability and training, but the security profile showed a couple of threes. Nothing really serious, but he would be naturally expected to be a second-class citizen or below. It was not an unusual card. Morely looked at the quarters code. Graham lived in Apartment 7A, Group 723, which was in Block 1022, Sector Fourteen.

Second Decalogue: Justice. First Pentad: Among Equals, Ex. xxiii. 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3. Second Pentad: On the Part of those in Authority, xxiii, 6, 7a, 7b, 7c, 8. Third Decalogue: Duties to God. First Pentad: Worship, Ex. xx. 23a, 23b, 24, 25, 26. Second Pentad: Loyalty, Ex. xxii. 28, 29a, 29b, 30, 31. Fourth Decalogue: Sacred Seasons.