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Updated: August 10, 2024

The man was bewildered; he stared at the vacant aperture, then at us in turn, as if he doubted the accuracy of his own vision. "'Tis tarnation odd," he said; "but the women heard it too." "I heard a sound," I said, "a dreadful sound, but I saw no ghost." "Sure an' 'twas himsel'," said my lowland Scotch girl, who now perceived the joke; "he was a-seeken' to gie us puir bodies a wee fricht."

"They'll aye hae a war or something else to fricht you wi', when you show that you mean business. Wha the hell hae we to quarrel wi' onyway, I'd like to ken?" "Oh, it micht be France, or Germany, or Russia, or some ither o' thae cut-throat foreign nations." "An' what are you gaun to quarrel aboot?" yelled Davie still more heatedly. "What the hell do I ken?" was the answer.

Robertson," said Peter, "broucht the lass to oor hoose, never mentionin Jamie, for he didna ken they war onything til ane anither; and for her, she never said ae word aboot him to Mirran or me." The soutar went to the door, and called Isy. She came, and stood humbly before her old master. "Weel, Isy," said the farmer kindly, "ye gied 's a clever slip yon morning and a gey fricht forbye!

They keep their hand in every man's meal ark, but as they are easy in taking, they are also quick in paying." "Siller in hand is the greatest virtue of a buyer," said the Bailie, with unction. "But, Robert Semple, though I was willing to oblige ye as a friend by taking over your debt, I'll no deny that ye gied me a fricht.

"Dae ye ken," said an old man as the game proceeded, "I wis present at old Hampden Park on the wet Hogmanay afternoon long ago, when the Vale licked the Queen's by two to one in a Cup tie, and I wish'd ye'd a' seen the Queen's Park committee men and their supporters that day when the bare fac' wis kent. I'm thinkin' they didna craw sae crouse, and maybe they'll get a fricht the noo."

The Lord preserve me frae ever sic a fricht again as yer grannie an' Betty gae me the nicht they fand me in 't! I dinna believe it's in natur' to hae sic a fricht twise in ae lifetime. Sae I'll fa' asleep at ance, an' say nae mair but as muckle o' my prayers as I can min' upo' noo 'at grannie's no at my lug. 'Haud yer impidence, an' yer tongue thegither, said Robert.

He was always a great child for secret, stealthy ways, having been employed by his mother on errands when the same was necessary; and he came behind the lass without her hearing. "Jennet," says he. "Keep me," cries Janet, springing up. "O, it's you, Maister Francie! Save us, what a fricht ye gied me." "Ay, it's me," said Francie. "I've been thinking, Jennet; I saw you and the curate a while back "

In due course the blankets emerge, steamed, dried, and thoroughly purged. At least, that is the idea. But listen to Privates Ogg and Hogg, in one of their celebrated cross-talk duologues. "They're a' there yet. See!" "Aye; but they must have gotten an awfu' fricht!" But then people like Ogg are never satisfied with anything. However, the feature of this camp is the mud.

"Guid folks," said I, as calmly as I could, in reply to this strange rhapsody, "will ye be sae kind as tell me what a' this means?" An' first I looked at the dochter, wha was still lyin on the sofa, wi' her face buried wi' fricht in the cushions, and then at the mother, wha was sittin in a chair, starin at me, an' gaspin for breath, but noo evidently satisfied that I was at least nae ghaist.

He was always a great child for secret, stealthy ways, having been employed by his mother on errands when the same was necessary; and he came behind the lass without her hearing. 'Jennet, says he. 'Keep me, cries Janet, springing up. 'O, it's you, Maister Francie! Save us, what a fricht ye gied me. 'Ay, it's me, said Francie. 'I've been thinking, Jennet; I saw you and the curate a while back

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