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Updated: August 24, 2024

"Why, they've plann'd me in High Street on a Sunday mornin'." "Niver!" gasped Sally, coming to look at the plan herself; "where is it?" He placed his finger on the number which indicated his work, and she saw it was a fact. "Well," she said, "thaa canna goa; thaa has no claathes fit to wear amang them grand foak."

"I should na ha' cared for th' Klondike so much but for him." "But he went away from England when you were a baby." "Th' last toime he coom to Temple Barholm wur when I wur just born. Foak said he coom to ax owd Temple Barholm if he'd help him to pay his debts, an' th' owd chap awmost kicked him out o' doors.

"It goes oop to Marly Head, and joins on to th' owd road t' Roman road, foak calls it along top o' t' fells. An' if yo follers that far enoof you may coom to Ullswatter an' Pen'rth." "Thank you. Good afternoon," said Hester, moving on.

Eh, but we get sich a sight of strangers here now, the yan fairly drives the tother out of a body's mind. 'Doos foak coom for t' summer? asked David, lifting his eyebrows a little, and looking round on the bleak and straggling village. 'Noa, they coom to see the church.

But she wrote bukes tales, yo know tales about t' foak roun here; an they do say, them as has read 'em, 'at they're terr'ble good. Mr. Watson, at t' Post Office, he's read 'em, and he's allus promised to lend 'em me. But soomhow I doan't get th' time. An in gineral I've naw moor use for a book nor a coo has for clogs.

Aa've often thowt so, i' my aan preachin. Heaven an hell are verra well for t' foak as are ower good, or ower bad; bit t' moast o' foak are juist a mish-mash." He shook his head slowly, and then ventured a glance at Miss Fountain to see whether he had appeased her. Laura seemed to rouse herself with an effort from some thoughts of her own. "Daffady how the sun's shining! I'll go out.

Theer was just a gell, an they'd stuffed her into a fish's skin and sewed 'er up; an when yo went close yo could see t' stuffin runnin out of her. An theer was a man as held 'er up by a wire roun her waist, an waggled her i' t' watter. But t' foak as had paid sixpence to coom in, they just took an tore down t' place, an they'd 'a dookt t' man an t' gell boath, if th' coonstable hadn't coom.

She took her hands off him, and the boy was going away in a half-sullen silence, when she caught him again. 'Who towd yo about 'Lias an t' Pool, nobbut 'Lias hissel? 'Uncle Reuben towd me summat. 'Aye, Reuben Grieve he put him in t' carrier's cart, an behaved moor like a Christian nor his wife I allus mind that o' Reuben Grieve, when foak coe him a foo.

'Dinna think, Davy, she said hurriedly, 'as I'm complainin o' th' Lord's judgments. They're aw mercies, if we did but know. An He tempers th' wind He sends us help when we're droppin for sorrow. It worn't for nothin He made us all o' a piece. Theer's good foak i' th' warld aye, theer is! An what's moor, theer's soom o' th' best mak o' foak gooin about dressed i' th' worst mak o' clothes.

'Yo know, they can ha th' law on yo, and he jerked his thumb over his shoulder towards the farm. 'Boys is all reet, but gells can't do nothink till they're sixteen. They mun stay wi th' foak as browt 'em up, an if they run away afore their sixteenth birthday they gets put in prison.

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