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He would chat there for an hour or two in his spasmodic, half-sullen way, in which, however, an increasing cordiality mingled, making, before he retired once more into space, some colour notes of the yard or the river, or at times a rough sketch, which was never without its terse originality. Rainham began to look forward to these visits with a recurring pleasure.

But how shall we manage? We cannot say First, Second, and Third Margaret, as they do on the stage." "I am never called anything but Peggy," said the second girl, still in a half-sullen, half-timid tone. And "My home name is Rita," murmured the third reluctantly; and she added something in an undertone about "short acquaintance," which the first Margaret did not choose to hear.

Accordingly, a few minutes before that hour, Mr. Gresley and his party entered the Parish Room. It was crammed. The back benches were filled with a large contingent of young men, whose half-sheepish, half-sullen expression showed that their presence was due to pressure. Why the parishioners had come in such numbers it would be hard to say.

Ay!" they cried, some in half-sullen grunts, some as if half-affrighted, but all in the tones of creatures who suddenly began to submit to a thing they wondered at. Then the woman who had begun the turmoil suddenly fell down on her knees and began to kiss her Grace's garments with hysteric, choking sobs. "She said thou wert the only creature had ever spoke her fair," she cried.

"Reuben tells the truth. They are going to attack us in the morning," said Perez, looking up. Abner stared at him a moment, and then demanded half-sullen, half-puzzled: "Wal, Cap'n, wat dew ye see tew larf at in that? Derned ef I see nothin funny." "Your glum mug would be enough to laugh at if there was nothing else Abner," said Perez, getting up and gayly slapping the giant on the shoulder.

"I'll walk with you," said the artist, turning on his heels. He had shaken hands but limply. His look avoided Warburton's. His speech was flat, wearied. "What's wrong, Franks?" "As you've been in the studio, I daresay you know." "I saw something that surprised me." "Did it surprise you?" asked Norbert, in a half-sullen undertone. "What do you mean by that?" said Will with subdued resentment.

And would not Miss Burgoyne understand that on a momentary impulse he had yielded to a fit of half-sullen recklessness, and would she not be quite ready and willing to release him? But when, according to custom, he went into her room that evening, he soon became aware that Miss Burgoyne did not at all treat this matter as a jest.

He crumbled up the piece of bread near his plate in small portions with a kind of involuntary violence in the action, and Dr. Dean, deliberately drawing out a pair of spectacles from their case, adjusted them, and surveyed him curiously. "You mean to say that you cannot paint the Princess's picture?" Gervase glanced up at him with a half-sullen, half-defiant expression.

Cookham houses are quaint, often timbered, frequently ivy-grown from basement to roof. One imagines them assuming a half-sullen air at this yearly breaking of their dreamy repose by incursions of parti-colored hordes for whom life seems to hold but two supreme objects, boats and pictures.

"Well?" she demanded suddenly, and putting back the hair from her face, stood looking down at me with her sombre, half-sullen gaze. "Well?" said I, sitting up.