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Updated: August 23, 2024

She might have been almost as pretty as Madelaine, if she had fluffed her hair and dressed a little less plainly. Sometimes she was full of animation, again, as this evening, she appeared abstracted and silent. After Miss Sarah Leigh and her aunt arrived there was no more silence; it had no charms for either of these ladies.

But having beaten him once and forever he came back to me, panting all fluffed up and with blood thirst only just dying in his eye. He came down on to my table out of breath as he agitatedly rearranged his untidy feathers and indignant almost unreconcilable because I had been such an undiscriminating and feeble- minded imbecile as to be for one moment deceived.

When it touched the floor it crouched with bared teeth, the hair on its back bristling and its tail fluffed out until it was bigger than the body of the fierce little animal. "By Jove, it has found something!" exclaimed Barclay. The two men leant forward and watched intently.

And then the cock filled in the harmony with his lovely contribution: facing the courted hen, he swelled out the great orange globes at the sides of his head, fluffed out his feathers, strutted forward a few steps, and tolled his deep-toned bell, with all the skill of a ventriloquist, making it seem far away when he was on a near-by knoll, like a velvet gong sounded with no stroke of the hammer, as if it spoke from some inward vibration set up by a mysterious current a liquid "Do, re, me," here full and distinct, there afar off, the whole air tremulous with it, the harmony to the ceaseless fugue in the soprano clef of the rest of the flock nobody will ever hear it again!

She half pitied him that the ball had not gone nearer to the vital spot and taken him to heaven ere he missed the way, so angel-like his face appeared in the soft light of the sick room, with the shining gold hair fluffed back upon the pillow now, like a halo.

"And I've had a dreadful headache all day," she broke out, pitifully, beginning to mop her eyes with a folded handkerchief, her face still turned away from Barbara. "Oh, poor thing!" said Barbara. "And the rehearsal must have made it worse!" "It's splitting," Julia said sombrely. She gave Barbara one grave, almost resentful, look, straightened her hat and fluffed up her hair, and went away.

She so brushed and fluffed and be-ribboned them in a new way, with a big black bow on top, that Mary beamed with satisfaction when she looked in the glass. The new way was immensely becoming. Then when she went down to dinner, it seemed so elegant to find Mr. Sherman in a dress suit.

"I only want to know because they won't tell me." "Well, it was about property, but there's more than one kind." "That makes it worse. Now I really must know." June's small and resolute face quivered. She was wearing a round cap, and her hair had fluffed out under it. She looked quite young at that moment, rejuvenated by encounter. "You know," she said, "I saw you drop your handkerchief.

A complexion of dazzling fairness, pearly, transparent, with ever-varying carnations; eyes of heavenliest blue, liquid, laughing, brimming with espieglerie; a slim little nose with an upward tilt, which expressed a contemptuous gaiety, an inquiring curiosity; a dimpled chin sloping a little towards the full round throat; the bust and shoulders of a Venus, the waist of a sylph, set off by the close-fitting velvet bodice, with its diamond and turquoise buttons; hair of palest gold, fluffed out into curls that were traps for sunbeams; hands and arms of a milky whiteness emerging from the large loose elbow-sleeves a radiant apparition which took Angela by surprise.

"I like red pinks better than pink ones; but then, it'll fade, anyhow, before night, so what's the difference!" "But I should think you'd be glad they did fade," laughed Pollyanna, "'cause then you can have the fun of getting some more. I just love your hair fluffed out like that," she finished with a satisfied gaze. "Don't you?" "Hm-m; maybe.

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