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Updated: August 12, 2024

M. I say, that ten thousand pounds is such an acquisition to one's family, that the offer of it deserves a civil return. D. Not the offer, Madam: the chance only! if indeed you have a view to an increase of family, the money may provide M. You can't keep within tolerable bounds! That saucy fleer I cannot away with D. Dearest, dearest Madam, forgive me; but old soul ran in my head again!

Suddenly I felt a hand fumbling down the coverlid, and 't was Nannie, my old nurse, and her arm was laid heavily across me. "Dinna greet," she whispered, "dinna greet and dull your een that are brighter noo than a' the jauds can show, the bonny blink o' them! They sha' na flout and fleer, the feckless queans, the hissies wha'll threep to stan' i' your auld shoon ae day! Dinna greet, lass, dinna!"

"SECOND LADY. Pray, Mrs. "THIRD LADY. Indeed, madam, you should have patience; his lordship was old. To die is but going before in a journey we must all take. Enter TATTLEAID, loaded with bottles; THIRD LADY takes a bottle from her and drinks. "FOURTH LADY. Lord, how my Lady Fleer drinks! Hark ye was seen with him in a hackney coach. "SECOND LADY. Impudent flirt, to be found out!

Aweel, but the twa lads, as I was saying, they haena sae muckle as the ordinar grunds, man, of liberal education they dinna ken the very multiplication table itself, whilk is the root of a' usefu' knowledge, and they did naething but laugh and fleer at me when I tauld them my mind on their ignorance It's my belief they can neither read, write, nor cipher, if sic a thing could be believed o' ane's ain connections in a Christian land."

He both acknowledges and satirizes the fact, that intellectual men, eminent in all professions but that of medicine, are champions of the system he derides; but he does not the less spare one bitter word or cutting fleer against the system itself.

He expressed himself, of course, with eccentric ABANDON it would have been impossible for him to do otherwise; but he was content to indicate his deepest feelings with a fleer. Yet sometimes as one can imagine happening with him in actual conversation his utterance took the form of a half-soliloquy, a copious outpouring addressed to himself more than to anyone else, for his own satisfaction.

Whereof so long as the rhino do ring, the man is the man, and the master's the master. A's a buzzard in grain that do flicker, and fleer, and tell a gentleman a be no better nur a bob gudgeon, a cause a do send the yellow hammers a flying; for thof it might a be happen to be true enough, a would get small thanks for his pains. Every man eat his meat, and he that do like cut his fingers.

Mrs O'Rourke is a little too apt to fleer and jeer at the priests; and if it were not that she softens down her pertinent remarks with a glass or two of the real poteen, which proves some respect for the church, I'd excommunicate her body and soul, and everybody, and every soul that put their lips to the cratur at her door.

In the audience there is anticipating pride and conceit in some, a smile or fleer of contempt in others, but a kind of sensible conviction, though crushed in its beginning, on the faces of the rest; and all together appear confounded, but have little to say, and know nothing at all of it; they gravely put him off to hear him another time; all these are seen here in the very dress of the face that is, the very countenances which they hold while they listen to the new doctrine which the Apostle preached to a people at that time ignorant of it.

"Now when I heard this, I bade this fleer get her home to the Bearings as swiftly as she might, and tell her tale; and she went away trembling, and scarce knowing whether her feet were on earth or on water or on fire; but belike failed not to come there, as no Romans were before her.

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