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Updated: August 6, 2024

She's beyond any of the poor fixings we could do for her. You never saw her face like that before. Look!" "The wreaths the wreaths!" He picked up the raffia circle, placing it back again against the quiet bosom. "Poor little lady!" he said. "Shila that's left for us to do. You and me, Shila we'll take the wreaths back for her." "My darling my darling mother! I'll take them back for you!

"Read it," said Doe, with exulting voice: "I can make nothing of the cursed pot-hooks myself, having never been able to stand the flogging of a school-house; but I know the fixings of it, the whole estate devised equally to you and the young woman, to be divided according as you may agree of yourselves, a monstrous silly way, that; but there's no helping it."

But they ain't got the ice cream I reckon the freezer was too heavy." "That at least is something to be thankful for," the doctor said, "there would probably have been consequences had they secured both the cherry pie and the ice cream." "And the table looking so stylish," Sarah mourned, "with the flowers and all the fixings. Where's that plate o' chicken gone? I ask you that!"

It's a regular cupboard. Double, you understand. Space in between and all the fixings for a materializin' seance, the straight fixings that the dope sees and the crooked ones that only the medium and the spook sees, tucked inside. A shutter lamp, blue glass a set of gauze robes, phosphorescent stars and crescents, a little rope ladder all curled up and whole books of notes.

"This place of yours will do me, Prout," he said, when his manager protested; "and your wife's only a delicate little thing. There's all kinds of fixings and comforts there that she'll appreciate, which you haven't got here. D n my thick skull, I might have done this before." "Thank you, Sherard," said Prout, with a genuine feeling of pleasure. "You are very good to us both.

"Guess I'm Pete Clancy, an' I'm Kate Seton's 'hired' man. Been across to Myrtle for fixin's for her." "Fixings?" The sergeant's eyes at last compelled the other's. There was something like insolence in the way Pete Clancy returned his stare. There was also humor. "Sure," he returned easily. "Guess you'll find 'em in the wagon ef you raise that cover. There's one of them fakes fer sewin' with.

Marius heard him lay something heavy on the table, probably the chisel which he had purchased. "By the way," said Jondrette, "have you been eating here?" "Yes," said the mother. "I got three large potatoes and some salt. I took advantage of the fire to cook them." "Good," returned Jondrette. "To-morrow I will take you out to dine with me. We will have a duck and fixings.

"Well, you had better take a good stock of powder and ball, and you can practise a bit as you go along. A man ain't any use out on these plains if he cannot shoot. I have got a pony; but you must buy one, and a saddle, and fixings. We will buy another between us to carry our swag. But you need not trouble about the things, I will get all that fixed." "Thank you very much.

McMillan, some Somalis and Captain Duirs came along in another similar rig. Our driver was a Hottentot half-caste from South Africa. He had a flat face, a yellow skin, a quiet manner, and a competent hand. His name was Michael. At his feet crouched a small Kikuyu savage, in blanket ear ornaments and all the fixings, armed with a long lashed whip and raucous voice.

At first they were elaborate, and included the big foot press and four fonts of type and three colours of ink and fixings innumerable. They then shrank modestly by gradations until they stuck at the 5×7 form. Bobby would not have cared for a press smaller than that, for he wanted to print real things, like bill-heads and whist cards and perhaps a small newspaper.

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