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So far was I from it, that I frequently bantered Miss J y T o about you, and told her how feelingly you spoke of her. There is scarcely any thing now going on here. W. Bland and Betsy Yates are to be married Thursday se'nnight. The Secretary's son is expected in shortly.

I was in the Confederate Army, up to the fall of sixty-three, and then I was taken prisoner." "So you have had a taste of Union prisons, eh?" asked Senator Baker, who spoke feelingly his "Recollections of Johnson's Island" had just made its appearance. "Just a leetle might of a taste, Senator; nothing like your experience, though. You see, it was this way with me.

"The regrets you so feelingly express for the calamity which has befallen your late protector do honour to your generous heart; but recollect that your old friends were not the only persons who could appreciate and value your fine talents; to be esteemed worthy the honourable appellation of your patron is a glory which the proudest might envy; and, although I cannot boast of being a Minerva, who, after all, was possibly no wiser than the rest of us, I shall always feel proud and happy to serve you with my utmost credit and influence.

Petrarch's banishment through love is not less feelingly described, and we are taken to the life and the homes of the time in the living descriptions given by Mary. One passage ought in fairness to be given to show her enthusiastic understanding and appreciation of the poet she writes of:

Vaura's bright expressive eyes smiled, as looking upwards, she said, feelingly: "Yes, even though 'much salt water here doth go to waste, one must some think, not I support the weeping human who named our pleasant world a 'Vale of Tears. No, 'tis better to let one's thoughts dwell on the song of the nightingale than the voice of the night-bat; We fear too much, and hope too little; 'tis best to dwell in the sunlight while we may."

He would have married both sisters at once more willingly than either alone, but as he feelingly said, "If I were forty years younger, mademoiselle, you should not sing to me so calmly."

"I never had no wife nor daughter. But I'm thinkin' wouldn't it jest be hell to be a girl tender an' young an' like Neale said an' sudden hev all you loved butchered before your eyes?" "It shore would," said Red, feelingly. "An' thet's what she sees all the time." "Slingerland, do we run any chance of meeting Indians?" queried Neale. "I reckon not.

The court had heard that morning what her mistress, Fru Heyerdahl, thought of her no one could wish for a finer recommendation. Barbro had then gone to Bergen. Here the advocate laid great stress on a most feelingly written testimonial from two young business men in whose employ Barbro had been while at Bergen evidently in a position of trust.

Bread and cheese and eggs to set before Royalty! This disgrace to her housewifery affected Mrs. Macdonald almost as feelingly as the danger they were in. The idea, too, of sitting down at supper with her lawful sovereign caused the simple lady the greatest embarrassment.

"I ought to go, too, only I'm afraid Everard will be vexed to see me in such a state," sobbed Emily. "I like to have you here, Emily dear," replied Isabel, "but you had better go down; you will be sorry afterwards if you don't. He feels it dreadfully, I know, poor fellow." "He looked fearfully pale during breakfast," added Ada, feelingly.