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Updated: August 21, 2024

'Drap the dish-cover, croaked Willie, and halted for a minute's rest. Then on again. But at long last Willie muttered: 'I think it's oor trench. If I'm wrang, fareweel to Argyle Street! I'll ha'e to risk gi'ein' them a hail in case some silly blighter lets fly in this rotten licht. Slip doon, Mac nae hurry nae use hurtin' yersel' for naething.

"Far down by yon hills of the heather sae green, And down by the corrie that sings to the sea, The bonnie young Flora sat sighing her lane, The dew on her plaid and the tear in her e'e. "She looked on a boat with the breezes that swung Afar on the wave, like a bird on the main, And aye as it lessened, she sighed and she sung, 'Fareweel to the lad I shall ne'er see again!"

When the pupils' procession was formed, and the long line of grinning and nudging laddies marched in to service in the chapel and dinner in the hall, he was set up over the kirkyard wall, hundreds of hands were waved to him, and voices called back: "Fareweel, Bobby!"

"I tried to see him last nicht, but auld Dorty wadna lat me near him. I WAD fain say fareweel til him." "Weel, put aff gaein' awa' till the morn, an' we'll gang thegither the nicht an' see him. Dorty winna haud ME oot." Aggie hesitated, thought, and consented.

Farewell, dear friends and, oh! farewell to you, Mary! Had it been sinful to hae loved you, I would hae been a guilty man this day for, oh! beyond a' that is under the sun, ye hae been dear to my heart, and your remembrance has mingled wi' my very devotions. But I maun root it up, though, in so doing, I tear my very heart-strings. Fareweel! fareweel!

Fareweel to you, Elshie, and mony thanks I downa be fashed wi' the siller e'en now, for I maun awa' to meet my friends at the Trysting-place Sae, if ye carena to open the window, ye can fetch it in after I'm awa'." Still there was no reply. "He's deaf, or he's daft, or he's baith; but I hae nae time to stay to claver wi' him."

'Dirk Hatteraick, dare ye deny, with my blood upon your hands, one word of what my dying breath is uttering? He looked at her with the same expression of hardihood and dogged stubbornness, and moved his lips, but uttered no sound. 'Then fareweel! she said, 'and God forgive you! your hand has sealed my evidence.

"Fareweel, Hamish," says Dan, and put his hand to mine on the cliff head. "I'll harrow my ain ploughing." "Go on, man, go on," I cried; "they're coming," for lights were flashing on the road, and loud voices raised. We had gained a bare half-mile on the cliff face, for the road up was "round about," and Ronny was impatient.

"'Troth, ma'am, said I, 'and I'm sure I'll be very proud to ca' sic a sensible auld body mither! "'Rather may ye be proud to call my bairn your wife, said she; 'for, where a man ceases to be proud o' his wife, upon all occasions, and at all times, or where a wife has to blush for her husband, ye may say fareweel to their happiness.

'Dirk Hatteraick, dare ye deny, with my blood upon your hands, one word of what my dying breath is uttering? He looked at her with the same expression of hardihood and dogged stubbornness, and moved his lips, but uttered no sound. 'Then fareweel! she said, 'and God forgive you! your hand has sealed my evidence.

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