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Euphemia began to take a great deal of comfort in her girl. Every evening she had some new instance to relate of Pomona's inventive abilities and aptness in adapting herself to the peculiarities of our method of housekeeping. "Only to think!" said she, one afternoon, "Pomona has just done another VERY smart thing.

We also wanted the house to be nicely shaded and fully furnished, and not to be in a malarial neighborhood, or one infested by mosquitoes. "If we do go to housekeeping," said Euphemia, "we might as well get a house to suit us while we are about it. Moving is more expensive than a fire." There was one man who offered us a house that almost suited us.

He still thought that Pomona was sick with something catching, and that we were afraid to stay in the house with her. But I said nothing about this to Euphemia. It would only worry her, and our vacation was to be a season of unalloyed delight. We certainly enjoyed our second day in camp. All the morning, and a great part of the afternoon, we "explored."

Holiday cheerfully. "I have put my foot in it. And I suppose Freddie and Euphemia will carry on and raise Cain when they find there's no Santy Claus in Painsville?" "Don't you fret, Alice," said Mr. Holiday. "When I get people in trouble I get 'em out. Your Uncle Silas is a friend of mine he has to be. I'm going to send him a telegram." He smiled, and chucked her under the chin.

The next day was about the same, in regard to infantile incident, but, on the day after, I began to tire of my new charge, and Pat, on his side, seemed to be tired of me, for he turned from me when I went to take him up, while he would hold out his hands to Euphemia, and grin delightedly when she took him. That morning I drove to the village and spent an hour or two there.

His grandfather James adopted the profession of law in which he obtained some distinction, and left three children Alexander, the father of the subject of this sketch, John, who followed the practice of medicine, and a daughter Veronica, married to Montgomerie of Lainshaw, whose daughter became the wife of her cousin Bozzy. Alexander Boswell, Lord Auchinleck, married his cousin Euphemia Erskine.

"Cutting around!" exclaimed Euphemia. "It was nothing of the kind. If you had seen him you would have known better. But did you come now to stay? Where are your things?" "On me," replied Pomona.

He is my prisoner, Aunt Euphemia; I found him lurking in the woods ten miles away this morning, and should perhaps have let him pass had not a low-lying branch of a tree knocked off his hat, when I recognized him for one of Tryon's crew." "Speak more respectfully, sir," said the stranger suddenly, "to me, if not to those whom you term 'Tryon's crew."

She had spoken with the Misses Dundas the night before, at the masquerade, where discovering the pretty Euphemia through the dress of Eloisa, her jealous and incensed heart could not withstand the temptation of hinting at the captivating Abelard she had selected to direct her studies.

The animal hung back at first, but soon followed her, and she chained him up securely. "Now you can come down," said Pomona. I assisted Euphemia to the ground, and Pomona persuaded the hired girl to descend. "Will he grab me by the leg?" asked the girl. "No; get down, gump," said Pomona, and down she scrambled. We took Pomona into the house with us and asked her news of herself.