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She darted into dirty shops and brought out things screwed up in paper. She went last into a cellar and returned carrying a small sack of coal over her shoulders. "Bought sack an' all," she said elatedly. "A sack's a good thing to 'ave." "Let me carry it for you," said Antony Dart "Spile yer coat," with her sidelong upward glance. "I don't care," he answered. "I don't care a damn."

It would be necessary to spot the receivers and transmitters all over the hull of the submarine. An invisible sub one that sonar pulses would seem to pass right through, as if nothing were there! "Seems so simple now that I have the key!" Tom said to himself elatedly.

Edestone read it hurriedly, but as he glanced up it was easy to see from the expression on his face that he was pleased. "Well," he exclaimed elatedly, "these Germans are not so bad after all, and if they will only give up the idea that they are the only people on the face of the earth, the sooner will they get what they want.

"We all of us must and will!" said Anna elatedly, though with shameful inward sinkings and with no sustaining word from any of the flock, while out under the far gray sky, emerging from a slight angle of the shore well down the water's long reach the battle line began to issue, each ship in its turn debouching into full relief from main-truck to water-line.

He had started from Washington elatedly enough. But now in the smoking-compartment where the men were discussing the end of the war he felt no elation. He was thinking, "It'll be difficult when we see each other." He became aware that he was actually shrinking from the meeting. The voices of the men about him began to annoy and he returned to his seat in the train. Early evening.

But soon he was pelting home to his mother with the glorious news. And that is how we let Barbara in. XXVI. The Dedication It was only yesterday afternoon, dear reader, exactly three weeks after the birth of Barbara, that I finished the book, and even then it was not quite finished, for there remained the dedication, at which I set to elatedly.

And Tommy grinned elatedly as Denham turned to crush his hands in his own. "Those Devils Have Got Evelyn!" That night the three of them talked, on a high terrace with most of the Golden City spread out below them. Over their heads, lights of many colors moved and shifted slowly in the sky.

He winced a little, truly, at the thought that Waymarsh might be already at Chester; he reflected that, should he have to describe himself there as having "got in" so early, it would be difficult to make the interval look particularly eager; but he was like a man who, elatedly finding in his pocket more money than usual, handles it a while and idly and pleasantly chinks it before addressing himself to the business of spending.

'Good gracious me! the doctor was heard muttering, and now the heart was evidently on fire, for he had to jerk his fingers away from it and put them in his mouth. The suspense was awful. Then in a loud voice, and bowing low, 'My Lord Duke, said the physician elatedly, 'I have the honour to inform your excellency that your grace is in love. You can't conceive the effect of it.

He briskly hunted a lawyer to whom he related all the circumstances, winding up elatedly with the last remark. "Did they write that down too?" "Yes." The attorney was at first convulsed, familiar with Teuton naïveté. Then he dubiously shook his head. To Jim's unexpected discomfort the affair was regarded seriously. If he had not ejaculated this affront, something could be done.