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How far he could conjecture, disassociate, dissect, limit and analyse, weigh and deduct, the various progresses in a crude amalgamation people call Love, she did not know, and there lay her difficulty. "I will tell you what I can. I was quite young when I met Mr. Hawtree, 'Crabbe, as he is now known. It is his second name.

These ideas disassociate themselves from the rest of the mental organism and may, in highly developed cases, become what is called a 'secondary personality. They may give a weak imitation of discourse. They may assume a vague resemblance to some other individual, but they can never give a full statement or a new statement.

She is the first sovereign who has never been made the slave of passion, even for a moment. She has never been obliged to regain her self-mastery, for she never has lost it. She is the only woman who has been able to disassociate those two inextricable things, love and voluptuousness." M. Le Mesge paused a moment and then went on. "Once every day, she comes to this vault.

He slammed the great iron door behind him as if he were glad, too, to disassociate himself from King and all foolishness. Like many another first-class man, King sheds friends as a cat sheds fur going under a gate. They grow again and quit again and don't seem to make much difference.

"No hurry," observed Brent, changing to geniality. He laid his hand on the bell. "Have a whisky-and-soda and a cigar? We've finished our business, and I guess you're a man as well as a lawyer?" But the visitor was unable to disassociate his personal identity from his office, and he bowed himself out. Brent laughed when he had gone.

And now the surrender of the past three weeks had been far more rudely disturbed. Would even Nevis dominate again? Must not such a man, even in his ruin, cast his shadow over any scene of which he was a part? And of Nevis he was a part! She had been able to disassociate them only until he stood before her, quick.

He could not, try as he would disassociate her from her books, nor her books from his, and as he sat there in ecstatic silence, with his eyes on her slender figure in its soft black gown, he told himself that the morning's happy promise united them in a close, an indissoluble bond of fellowship.

"If only I could quite disassociate the voice from the from that other personality. If I could be quite sure that, though her voice is so extraordinarily like, she herself is not " he paused, and Jane's heart stood still. Was a description of herself coming? "is not at all like the face and figure which stand clear in my remembrance as associated with that voice." "Well," said Dr.

"You are different," she told him, "and it's not because you lack imagination. Most everyone does not disassociate a film player from her shadow. They think of her always as the type or character in which they admire her most. To them she is always the same, always perfect, a picture, a memory.

For the life of him, Count Victor could not disassociate the thought of that mysterious figure on the stair, full clad in all Highland panoply against the law, and the men the broken men who had shot his pony in the wood and attempted to rob him.