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But you know I've a grudge agin the devil, if I do belong to him; and if I could help git you out of his clutches it would do me a sight o' good." "If I ever do get out I shall indeed have to thank you." "I don't want no thanks, and don't desarve any.

Farewell! God bless you and prosper you as I wish, and as I am sure you desarve." He shook the lad by the hand; and as it was probable that his own former struggles with poverty, when in the pursuit of education, came with all the power of awakened recollection to his mind, he hastily drew his hand across his eyes, and returned to resume the brief but harmless authority of the ferula.

"Maggie's stood up fer you in a way you didn't more'n half desarve, and it's partly Maggie's money that brought you here. You know well enough what a a lie, if I must say it, you told me about Mag's havin' a beau at Larne, and she says she didn't. You're the one that took away your sister's " But here he paused. "Hush up, Andy!" broke in Margaret.

And no more about it; for I can't be wasting more ink upon them that don't desarve it at my hands, when I want it for them that do, you shall see.

The girl smiled at his earnest assurance and said gently: "I am quite sure of it." "Betcher life!" affirmed the old man enthusiastically. "He's too da er, hem! too much polite to some cattle as doesn't desarve it, accordin' to my way o' thinkin'. Why las' night he actoolly waited for a feller to begin killin' of him before drawin' his own gun!

But first tell me who and what you are, if it's a fair question." "My name is Dick Varley, and my home's in the Mustang Valley, near the Missouri river. As to what I am I'm nothin' yet, but I hope to desarve the name o' a hunter some day.

'tis both shockin' an' brutil tu misthreat ye I know but surely, surely yeh desarve somethin' for all this!" And he drew back his formidable right arm. Smack! The terrific impact of that one, terrible open-handed slap nearly knocked his victim through the bar-room wall. The head rocked sideways and the big body turned completely round.

I gave you a chance of putting yourself in the right, and it is a grave insult to me for you to refuse to accept my proposals. So there is nothing for me to do, now, but just to join with France, and give you the bating you desarve." "That is Teddy Burke's idea, Jim; and though he is so full of fun, he is awfully clever, and has got no end of sense; and I'd take his opinion about anything.

"Bless you, bless you, Mabel; this is more than I desarve more, I fear, than I shall know how to profit by as I ought. It was not wanting, however, to make me sarve the Sergeant. We are old comrades, and owe each other a life; though I fear me, Mabel, being a father's comrade is not always the best recommendation with a daughter."

They shall be knowin' this night what comes to a b'y that does his best when he's got Gineral Brady to back him. And would Gineral Brady back you if you didn't desarve it? That he wouldn't. I ain't heard nothin' of his backin' up street loafers nor any sort of shiftless b'ys." The boys were wakened, and a difficult task it was.