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Updated: August 7, 2024

Now the blood be on yo' own heads. I've sed my say." A perfect storm of jeers met this. They surged forward to seize her, while the sheriff half frightened, half undecided, got behind Conway and said: "It's up to you I've done all I cu'd."

"Well," said the old man, brightening up into one of his funny moods, "you know my first wife was named Kathleen Kathleen Galloway when she was a gal, an' she was the pretties' gal in the settlement an' could go all the gaits both saddle an' harness. She was han'som' as a three-year-old an' cu'd out-dance, out-ride, out-sing an' out-flirt any other gal that ever come down the pike.

He was a sprinklin' of good an' evil, a mixture of diligence an' laziness, a brave man mostly with a few yaller crosses in him, truthful nearly always, an' lyin' mostly fur fun an' from habit; good at times an' bad at others, spiritual at times when it looked like he cu'd see right into heaven's gate, an' then again racked with great passions of the flesh that swept over him in waves of hot desires, until it seemed that God had forgotten to make him anything but an animal.

"Befo' I jined the 'Piscopal corps I didn't think I cu'd stan' 'em too high furlutin' for my raisin'. They seemed to pay mo' attenshun to their uniforms than their ordnance, an' their drum-majors outshine any other churches' major generals. An' drillin'? They can go through mo' monkey manoeuvers in five minutes than any other church can in a year.

"So ye did, Rais Ally," said Ted Flaggan, for it was he, "and it's close I kep' as long as I cu'd, which was aisy enough, seeing that ye brought me purvisions so riglar like a good feller as ye are; but body o' me, man, I cudn't live in a cave all me lone for iver, an' I got tired o' lookin' out for that British fleet that niver comes, so I says to mesilf wan fine evenin', `Go out, Ted me boy, an' have a swim in the say it'll do 'ee good, and there's not much chance of any wan troublin' ye here. No sooner said than done.

I said a match for the black, an' it peers to me like you've gone an' bought the black hisse'f an' is tryin' to put him off on me. No no my kind frien', you'll not fin' anything no-count enuff to be his match on this terrestrial ball. "By this time you cu'd have raked Jud's eyes off his face with a soap-gourd. "'What? w-h-a-t? He why I bought him of Dr. Sykes.

I knowed you as a boy, up to the time you went into the army, an' if I do say it to yo' face, you were a brave hon'rble boy that never forgot a frien' nor " "A foe," put in Jack quickly. "Bishop, if I cu'd only forgive my foes that's been the ruin of me." The old man was thoughtful a while: "Jack, that's a terrible thing in the human heart unforgiveness.

Looking out of the window she saw the star setting behind the mountain, and she thought it slept, by day, in a cavern she knew of there. "Wouldn't it be fine, Mattox," she cried, "if we didn't have to work at the mill to-day an' cu'd run up on the mountain an' pick up that star? I seed one fall onct an' I picked it up."

If I drink this malarial water, suh, m'legs an' m'feet begin to swell. I have to go back to whiskey. Damn me, but I was born for Kentucky. Why, I've got a forty dollar thirst on me this very minute. I'm so dry I cu'd kick up a dust in a hog wallow. Maybe, though, it's this rotten stuff that cross-roads Jew is sellin' me an' callin' it whiskey.

Jud was discreetly silent, and soon the Major began to tell all of his troubles, but in the tone of one who was talking to his servant and with many oaths and much bitterness: "You see it's this damned rheumatism, Carpenter. Las' night, suh, I had to drink a quart of whiskey befo' I cu'd go to sleep at all.

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