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She was joined there by M. Langis, to whom she said, in a good-humoured tone: "Always grave and melancholy, my dear Camille! When will you cease your drooping airs? I cannot understand you. I do my best to be agreeable to you, to settle matters satisfactorily. Nothing seems to cheer you. You make me think of the hare in La Fontaine: "'Cet animal est triste, et la Crainte le ronge."

Buckongahelas, of the Delawares, Au-goosh-away, of the Ottawas, Mash-i-pinash-i-wish, of the Chippewas, Keesass and Topenebee, of the Potawatomi, Little Beaver, of the Weas, and many other distinguished Indian leaders were among the hosts. The chief interpreters were William Wells, Jacques Laselle, M. Morins, Sans Crainte, Christopher Miller, Abraham Williams and Isaac Zane.

Mais la Providence permit qu'un homme se trouvat qui n'a jamais su ce que c'est que la crainte; qui aima sa patrie mieux que sa renommee; impenetrable devant les menaces, inaccessible aux louanges, il se presenta devant le conseil de la nation, et levant son front tranquille en haut, il osa dire: 'Que la trahison se taise! car c'est trahir que de conseiller de temporiser avec Buonaparte.

He had done the same kind of thing a hundred times for her, and, without further discussion, wrote as follows: "L'amour tel qu'une biche blessée, se trahit lui-même par sa crainte, qui fait remuer le feuillage qui le couvre." "Bless me, how pretty!" cried she, and immediately put it into her bosom.

In the old legend it is said, that when Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus wrenched out the nails which fastened the hands of our Lord to the cross, St. John took them away secretly, that his mother might not see them "affin que la Vierge Marie ne les veit pas, crainte que le coeur ne lui amolist."

Le père, pendant le siège de Troie, avoit envoyé son fils au roi d'Ayne, avec de grands trésors; mais, après la destruction de la ville, le roi, tant par crainte des Grecs que par convoitise des trésors, fit mourir le jeune prince.

Nevertheless, our host had preferred to receive us in his room in the upper part of the house, and I strongly approved his judgment, being therein of the opinion of the good man who said: Fi du plaisir Que la crainte peut corrompre! A fig for the pleasure Which fear can destroy! But talk to me about the attics on Place Vendôme!

I was heartily glad Hook was not there; he was not particular about the truth, and would infallibly, in some shape or other, have translated for her benefit, "Je crains Dieu, cher Abner, et n'ai point d'autre crainte." The Nortons' house was close to the issue from St. James's Park into Great George Street.

Antoine; car je crains toujours le risque de tomber sur l'escalier en sortant et je me trouve entre l'espérance et la crainte une situation bien désagréable! Si vous n'éties pas grosse, je craignerais moins mais abandonons cette idée triste! Le ciel aura eu certainement soin de ma chère Stanza Maria!... "I have this moment received your dear letter, and find that you are well and in good spirits.

On a dit, je le sais, qu'elle fut cruelle la main qui le separa de sa femme et de son enfant. Non, c'etait une main qui, comme la sienne, ne tremblait ni de passion ni de crainte, c'etait la main d'un homme froid, convaincu, qui avait su deviner Buonaparte; et voici ce que disait cet homme que la defaite n'a pu humilier, ni la victoire enorgueiller.