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Updated: July 31, 2024

"I expect you to cry immediately, though, for you might have to go to town." "Oh, no, Papa, I really would love to see him," said Cornelli. "It is Dino, who stayed with Martha this summer." The father put down his spoon from pure surprise and looked wonderingly at his daughter. "How strange you are, Cornelli!" he said finally. "Now you suddenly want to visit a strange family.

On Saturday morning the mother entered Dino's room just after Cornelli had finished reading such a funny tale that both children still laughed aloud at the remembrance. "Children, to-morrow Cornelli's father is expecting to hear from me. He will want to know if he is to come to fetch her home, or if he is to leave her here another week. Cornelli herself shall decide, but we all want her to stay."

Martha's heart overflowed when she heard what had been proposed. Between freely flowing tears she said again and again: "Oh, Cornelli! Everything has happened so wonderfully for you. God has ordained it much more wisely than we could have wished and prayed for. From now on, we shall leave everything entirely in His hands. We'll do that as long as we live, won't we, Cornelli?"

It went better every time, and in the end they sang together perfectly. Agnes jumped up from her seat and exclaimed: "Oh, you are a wonderful Cornelli! Who would have thought it? Please do not go home yet. Stay here, and then we can sing together every day. Have you heard it, Mama?" The mother affirmed it and told them that she and Dino had both enjoyed the singing.

I have to fix the vegetables." Cornelli ran to the pantry. Mina was just building up a splendid pile of cookies and almond rings. "Don't come rushing in like that, or it will all tumble down," she objected. "Don't come so near to the table; this plate is all ready and nothing must be missing from it.

Agnes struggled with Dino for first place in Cornelli's affection, but Dino was always the victor. Cornelli never forgot that he had been her first friend, who had held fast to their friendship. For this she remained faithful to him.

Come soon again and we shall be glad together, for there is always something to be glad about." Cornelli went. While she had been with Martha and had heard her words, it had really seemed to her that there was no cause for grief.

Then Cornelli and the mother went back to the room where the sisters were sitting at their school work. Mux was bending over his picture book, hatching out new ideas, no doubt. Just then the half grown Trina entered with a basket on her arm. While she was passing Nika's chair, her basket got caught on it. Pulling violently to free it, she turned the chair around quite suddenly.

Nobody can forbid you that." "My teacher is coming," Cornelli now exclaimed, "and I have to go." "Yes, child, but do keep up your spirits. There are lots of pleasant things still left for you to enjoy. Just wait till you taste the strawberry tarts I am going to make to-day." With these words Esther smacked her lips to express the great succulence of the promised dish.

I do not understand why Mama did not push the frightful locks out of her eyes." Next morning Mux had hardly opened his eyes when he desired to go again straightway to Cornelli, for this had been promised him the night before. Before he succeeded, however, he had to submit to his usual fate in the morning.

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