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"She looks exactly like a little owl," he always said. "One can hardly see her eyes. I should love her to come again, though," he added, for he was curious to see Cornelli when she was funny and bright, as Martha described her.

They are two ladies from the city, and father said that I should be glad; but I am not a bit glad, for I do not know them. Would you be glad, Martha, if two new people suddenly came to visit you?" The child had to take a deep breath. She had been running fast and had spoken terribly quickly. "Just sit down here with me, Cornelli, and get your breath again," said Martha quietly.

"Your mother has done it," Cornelli explained confusedly, for she was quite overcome at all these manifestations of joy. Nika also glanced up at her. "You are a different child, Cornelli, and I do not see how you could ever have gotten the way you were." These words were said in such a charming manner that a deep sensation of well-being filled Cornelli.

"Why have you not come for so long?" he asked, giving Cornelli his hand. "I waited for you every day." Cornelli gave no answer. Entering the room together they sat down just as they did the first day of their acquaintance. Martha went out, because she knew that the children would get along better alone, and she was very anxious for the two to become good friends.

When Nika neared the door, Cornelli said to her in a low voice: "I want to visit Dino." "Come, I'll show you the way," came a small voice from behind the door. It was Mux, who had quickly hidden there to peep with curious eyes at the new arrivals. He came out and seizing Cornelli's hand, pulled her away with him.

Before long, though, she would always begin to talk about Cornelli, for she never tired of that subject. She assured Dino that she had never known a more bright or amusing little girl. Dino always assured her that he could not believe this and when Martha even asserted that Cornelli was more attractive than any child she had ever seen, Dino laughed.

"Oh, what fine yellow plums! I am sure they taste as sweet as honey," exclaimed Dino. "Are they from your garden? When the sun shines on them in the morning, all the branches seem to sparkle with reddish gold like a Christmas tree." "Yes, they are from the tree. Do you want to eat them?" asked Cornelli. "With pleasure. But you must eat some, too," said Dino.

But that probably would not last if she remained and they got to know her better. Soon the mother came in with Mux. The little boy had heard Dino's last words to Cornelli and had already announced to his mother that Cornelli was sure to stay, because Dino would not let her go. "Oh, I am so glad that you have settled it all between you!

You should not have made things worse by denying it; if you had not, everything would be all settled. You have misbehaved and you shall not do so any more. Remember!" "No, I did not misbehave. No, no! And I shall not say yes when it is not true," Cornelli now cried, quite beside herself. "Go to your room, Cornelli, and smooth out your forehead before you come to dinner.

Dino also begged to go, for he longed to see old Martha again. As the permission had readily been given, the two children started off. They had meant to run down the path, but Cornelli could not go fast.