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Cornelli was perfectly delighted, for she had never in her life seen a prettier object than the little creature with its snow-white fur and the red ribbon round its neck, skipping lightly about. The next moment it lay down in the hay and looked up happily at Cornelli. "Can I take it out for a walk, Matthew? Can I harness it to a little wagon and drive around with it?" asked the child.

In an isolated house, well raised above the stream, lived the proprietor of the foundry. Beautiful flower gardens were on three sides. Cornelli approached the open space in front and was soon inside. Flinging her hat into a corner, she entered the room where her father was already sitting at table. He did not even look up, for he was holding a large newspaper in front of him.

So I cried out in my heart: 'Can nobody help me? And then I suddenly knew who could do it. I knelt down and prayed to God: 'Oh, give me help, for thou alone canst do it!" "Can I stay here if I pray like that, Martha? Will God help me right away?" asked Cornelli eagerly. "Yes, He will surely help you the way He knows is best for you, Cornelli.

That same evening, when Director Hellmut was sitting in the living room with his daughter, he spoke of his hope that a cousin of his, Miss Kitty Dorner, would come to stay in Iller-Stream while he was on his trip to Vienna. He also told Cornelli to be glad of this prospect. After a few days came the following answer: B , The 4th of May, 18 .

"No," was the reply. Esther now went her ways. A short time after that Matthew joined her. "What is the matter with the child, Esther," he asked. "She is so changed! One can hardly recognize any more our gay and friendly Cornelli. And why does she have her hair hanging into her face that way? One absolutely does not know her any more." "That is just what I say," Esther replied.

Everybody was soon inside of the carriage, and Trina sat beside Matthew on the coachman's box. Now they galloped gaily along into the valley. "Oh, mother, just look at the red daisies!" Cornelli cried out. "Oh, look at the golden buttercups! Oh, look, look; see all the blue forget-me-nots!"

The teacher would finally stop and say in his most friendly manner: "I had to stay so long to-day because we did not do half of what we should have done. You were a little slow in understanding, Cornelli. I hope it will go better to-morrow, otherwise your lesson might last still longer."

I hardly know you any more! Push away all that gypsy-like hair from your face! Why don't you look at me pleasantly? Why do you keep looking away? For months I have been looking forward to this home-coming to my little daughter, who, I had hoped, would have gained much. So this is the way I am to find you, Cornelli" Full of sorrow and anger, the father was gazing at the little girl.

So Cornelli quickly ran from bush to bush till she had gathered a fine bunch of dark and light, white and red roses. These she offered to her teacher, warning him not to prick himself. Then the two parted most cordially. Cornelli, on coming back, ran swiftly toward the stable. Suddenly, however, she stood stock still, for she remembered that she was not allowed to go there any more.

"Your small white kid is growing more cunning every day," said Dino. "You should see it when it bounds about so gaily." "I don't care if I see it again or not. Nothing matters at all to me," Cornelli returned in a most unfriendly manner. "No, this is not true," said Dino, laughing kindly.