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Which goes to show that a woman can put her finger into a political pie and draw it out without even a stain, while to touch that same confection ever so lightly would dye a man's hand blood red. And as if in sympathy with the heart of the pursued possum, the thermometer began to fall in the afternoon and by night had established a clear, cold, windless condition of weather.

Surely you remember the beruffled, rose-strewn confection in which the beautiful Elsa Marriott swam into our ken in "Mississipp'"? She used to say, wistfully, that she always got a hand on her entrance in that dress. It was due to the sheer shock of delight that thrilled audience after audience as it beheld her loveliness enhanced by this floating, diaphanous tulle cloud.

"It meant that it was her doings that thou hadst gone, and that thy going both angered and grieved her, Captain." "Angered, mayhap." "Yea, and grieved. She ate no supper, although I prayed her to taste a new confection of mine own invention." "Priscilla, dost think Master Allerton would be would make a" "Would be the right goodman for Barbara? No, and no again, I think naught of the kind." "Ah!

Prominent among the elegantly-dressed dolls that filled an entire section of the window frontage was a large hobble-skirted lady in a confection of peach-coloured velvet, elaborately set off with leopard skin accessories, if one may use such a conveniently comprehensive word in describing an intricate feminine toilette.

Died from the effects of drink and exposure;" the foreman pulled the sheet again over the blank, chalky face, and the shivering dozen wound their way to the warmer regions, where the expected confection awaited them. This was in a pine grove, two furlongs or more from the garden fence, forming the lower enclosure of the mansion grounds.

What next? burnt almonds? this is good, Daisy this confection of roses. But you must take all this sugar in small doses, or I am afraid it wouldn't be just beneficial." "O Preston!" I said "I do not mean to eat all this myself." "Are you going to propitiate Miss Pinshon with it? I have a presentiment that sweets won't sweeten her, Daisy." "I don't know what 'propitiate' means," I said, sighing.

And please give me very little. I ate a quarter of a pound of chocolates after dinner." He conveyed one-third of the confection to his plate, and about a sixth to hers. And he tasted just a morsel, with a dash of kidney in the centre of it, on the end of his fork. He was not aware of the fact, but that was the decisive moment of his life sixty though he was!

"Oh, he'll be all right in a minute," drawled the Haddock, who did not relish a stiff ride along dusty roads in his choicest confection. "He's playing the fool, I believe or a bit scared at the ferocious serpent." Lucille gave the youth a look that he never forgot, and turned to the sporting person. "You know the stables, Mr. Fellerton," she said.

Everybody does not understand all that has just been said; but all have a deep impression that the text is one of simplicity, of moderation, of obedience, and foreheads move altogether in the breath of the phrases like a field in the breeze. "Yes," says Crillon, pensively, "he speaks to confection, that gentleman. All that one thinks about, you can see it come out of his mouth.

After which sight, and weary of waiting, not without some fear that- -as the Negroes would have put it 'If I tap da wan momant ma, I catch da confection, while, of course, a bucket or two of hot water was emptied on us out of a passing cloud, I got on board the steamer, and away to San Fernando, to wash away dirt and forget fatigue, amid the hospitality of educated and high-minded men, and of even more charming women.