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"Miss Bewery has just told me what her brother told her. What of it?" "I have just come from the police-station," said Bryce. "Coates and Everest have carried out an autopsy this afternoon. Mitchington told me the result." "Well?" demanded Ransford, with no attempt to conceal his impatience. "And what then?"

That tall, gaunt, swarthy man, erect, eagle-faced, upon whose somewhat martial figure the Quaker coat seemed a little out of place, was Lindley Coates, known in all eastern Pennsylvania as a stern enemy of slavery; that slight, eager man, intensely alive in every feature and gesture, was Thomas Shipley, who for thirty years had been the protector of the free colored people of Philadelphia, and whose name was whispered reverently in the slave cabins of Maryland as the friend of the black man, one of a class peculiar to old Quakerism, who in doing what they felt to be duty, and walking as the Light within guided them, knew no fear and shrank from no sacrifice.

Alderman Coates had died suddenly of an apoplexy, it was said: his house had closed on Saturday; and it was feared that Baldwin's bank would not stand the run made on it." Now in Baldwin's bank, as my mother informed me, my father had eight days before lodged L30,000, the purchase money of that estate which he had been obliged to sell to pay for his three elections.

A kitchen garden has just been laid out in a sheltered place, and a flat piece of ground surrounded by palm trees prepared for games, tennis, football, etc. Strength. The commandant of the camp is Lieut.-Colonel Coates. The American chargé d'affaires in Egypt has twice visited the camp. Accommodation.

Can't, now, bear any reflections the most distant, now, sir, upon the Jews, which was what distressed me when I found the play was to be this Jew of Venice, and I would have come away, only that I couldn't possibly." Here Mrs. Coates, without any mercy upon my curiosity about Mr.

"Do you youngsters know people here by the name of Kershaw?" began the tall tramp, standing beside the two boys. Both remained sitting on the grass. One shook his head. The other said, "No." The tramp was silent for a moment. Then it occurred to him that his mother had taken his stepfather's name and his sister might be married. Therefore he asked: "How about a family named Coates?"

As though to punish herself, by putting a climax to her humiliation, she held out her arms to Helen Coates. "You see," she cried, "I am a cheat. I am a fraud!" She sank suddenly to her knees in front of Mr. Hallowell. "Forgive me," she sobbed, "forgive me!" With a cry of angry protest, Winthrop ran to her and lifted her to her feet. His eyes were filled with pity. But in the eyes of Mr.

I doubted if I could ever spend another night beneath that roof, for here Dr. Damar Greefe, the arch-assassin, and one of his victims both had met their ends. I heard the voice of Coates speaking in the adjoining room, and presently, as Gatton went to the door: "Miss Merlin wishes to speak to you, sir," said Coates. I ran eagerly to the 'phone, and: "Hello!" I cried. "Is that you, Isobel?"

When Coates brought in my tea, newspapers and letters in the morning, I awakened with a start, and: "Has there been any rain during the night, Coates?" I asked. Coates, whose unruffled calm at all times provided an excellent sedative, replied: "Not since a little before midnight, sir." "Ah!" said I, "and have you been in the garden this morning, Coates?"

Coates, an elderly man who was the leading practitioner in the town, arrived, and to him he gave a careful account of his discovery. And after the police had taken the body away, and he had accompanied Mitchington to the police-station and seen the tin bottle and the remains of Collishaw's dinner safely locked up, he went home to lunch, and to wonder at this strange development.