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"Did he say how long he was going to stop here?" asked Bryce. "Two or three days," replied Harker. "Did he mention Ransford?" inquired Bryce. "Never!" said Harker. "Did he make any reference to his wife and children?" "Not the slightest!" "Nor to the hint that his counsel threw out at the trial?"

Ransford's garden as if he had been there. Dr. Bryce! a direct question should have been asked of Dr. Ransford had he ever seen that man before?" "Ah, but you see, Mrs. Folliot, the Coroner didn't know what Mrs. Deramore saw, so he couldn't ask such a question, nor could any one else," remarked Bryce, who was wondering how long Mrs.

Ransford what I told you this morning, or, you want me to tell him myself. Am I right?" "I should be glad if you would tell him," replied Mary. "The rumour you spoke of has reached him he ought to know what you can tell. I have respected your confidence, so far." The two men looked at each other. And this time it was Ransford who spoke first.

But, in the end, it was Brake and Ransford stood best man for him." Bruce assimilated all this information greedily and asked for more. "I'm interested in that entry," he said, tapping the open book. "I know some people of the name of Bewery they may be relatives." The shoemaker shook his head as if doubtful. "I remember hearing it said," he remarked, "that Miss Mary had no relations.

"At the adjourned inquiry, the two medical men can be recalled, and you will have the opportunity or your solicitor will have of asking any questions you like for the present " "For the present you have me under suspicion!" interrupted Ransford hotly. "You know it I say this with due respect to your office as well as I do. Suspicion is rife in the city against me.

"What on earth made Mrs. Batts tell you that?" interrupted Bryce. "Oh, well, to tell you the truth, I put a few questions to her as to what went on while Ransford was in the house," answered Mitchington. "When I'd once found that he had been there, you know, I naturally wanted to know all I could." "Well?" asked Bryce.

We'd better hear that first. Folliot! good Lord! who'd have believed or even dreamed it!" "You'll see," said Glassdale as they went out. "Maybe Dr. Ransford's got the same information." Ransford was out of the train as soon as it ran in, and hurried to where Mitchington and his companions were standing.

Folliot in her deepest tones, encountering Bryce, the day after the funeral, at the corner of a back street down which she was about to sail on one of her charitable missions, to the terror of any of the women who happened to be caught gossiping. "What, now, should make Dr. Ransford cause flowers to be laid on the grave of a total stranger? A sentimental feeling? Fiddle-de-dee!

But Ransford could not help distinguishing between Bryce the doctor and Bryce the man and Bryce the man he did not like. Outside the professional part of him, Bryce seemed to him to be undoubtedly deep, sly, cunning he conveyed the impression of being one of those men whose ears are always on the stretch, who take everything in and give little out.

Why should I rush to the police-station and say, 'Here I'll blurt out all I know everything! Why?" "Wouldn't that be better than knowing that people are saying things?" she asked. "As to that," replied Ransford, "you can't prevent people saying things especially in a town like this. If it hadn't been for the unfortunate fact that Braden came to the surgery door, nothing would have been said.

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