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Updated: August 5, 2024

Some of the more lazy ones think it hard to sing in even one and are quite upset if they try to sing in any, save their own. What would the poor alto whodidn’t know anything about the bass clefsthink of singing at first sight in seven different clefs.

"'This way, mademoiselle. "'Madame! I ventured to correct in a weak voice. "'Vos clefs, s'il vous plait, said a polite official as we entered the door, and another laid hands on the satchels we carried, to examine them. "We had entirely forgotten the octroi officers. The next thing to there not being a necessity, is not seeing a necessity, and this I prepared in the most innocent manner to do.

There were the Psalter and the chant-book to be put open on the desk for the afternoon; there were the morning-service and anthem-book to be put away, and the evening-service and anthem-book to be got out. He loved the crisp sound of the leaves as he turned them, and he loved the old-world clefs that he could read nine staves at a time as easily as a short score. No, it was in

Mikuli holds that an appeal to Chopin's manuscripts is of no use as they are full of slips of the pen wrong notes and values, wrong accidentals and clefs, wrong slurs and 8va markings, and omissions of dots and chord-intervals. The original French, German, and English editions he regards likewise as unreliable.

This Florentine period was one of countless satisfactions for him. More fortunate than many artists, he won his fame in time to enjoy it. His productions were so highly regarded during his lifetime that good proofs were eagerly sought, and to use Baldinucci's expression, were "enfermées sous sept clefs."

On verra tout ce camp s'enfuir, Comme l'on voit s'évanouir; Une épaisse fumée; Comme la cire fond au feu, Ainsi des méchants devant Dieu, La force est consumée. L'Éternel est notre recours; Nous obtenons par son secours, Plus d'une déliverance. C'est Lui qui fut notre support, Et qui tient les clefs de la mort, Lui seul en sa puissance.

Master Thomas Haruie. Master Snelling. Master Anthony Russe. Master Allyne. Master Michael Polison. Iohn Cage. Thomas Parre. William Randes. Geffery Churchman. William Farthow. Iohn Taylor. Philip Robyns. Thomas Philips. Valentine Beale. Thomas Foxe. Darby Glande. Edward Nugen. Edward Kelley Iohn Gostigo. Erasmus Clefs. Edward Ketcheman. Iohn Linsey. Thomas Rottenbury. Roger Deane. Iohn Harris.

Par les clefs du pape, si vous ne m'accordez pas qu'il se trouve une magnifique creation seulement dans le nom, si vous ne voyez pas a ces mots: robe frola dans le silence! toute la poesie du role de Schedomi invente par madame Radcliffe dans le Confessional des Penitents noirs, vous etes indigne de lire des romans . . ." And these are fragments that have been deliberately chosen for preservation.

Besides that, there were three difficult questions to answer in harmony, and a piece of music written in a most extraordinary manner was to be sung at first sight. In this country we now write vocal music in two clefs, known as the bass and treble clefs. This makes it easy to read and any singer after having mastered them both can get along without much difficulty.

'Now, Brother Gyp, you may state the object of this meeting, said Yellow-cap, resuming his seat. Gyp bowed and pulled a roll of parchment out of Brother Dubsix's pocket, which was written all over with musical notes in the bass and treble clefs. 'The object is a twofold one, he began. 'I object to that expression, interrupted Dubb. 'Why? demanded Gyp in a mortified tone.

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