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There was not otherwise a great deal of furniture, two or three tables, some chairs, a deep window-seat, a writing-desk of French design; but all, except this last, in keeping with the character of the room, and all brought across the seas from the old Dorsetshire mansion, from which Peter Frost had obtained the interior. "Charmant!" exclaimed the Marquis.

"You go with us, my lord, to the archery-meeting this evening?" said Lady S , as she rose from breakfast his lordship gave a negligent assent. "Ah!" exclaimed Mlle. Panache, turning eagerly to Dashwood, "have you seen de uniforme? C'est charmant; and I have no small hand in it." Dashwood paid he expected compliment to her taste.

Charmant had been a jeweller, and this enabled him to counterfeit the gems obtained of Mr. Sandford, which he purposed disposing of at the first favorable opportunity. The boy believed that Charmant had them about him at that moment. In England, Charmant was known as French Jack, and Roseville as Rusty Joe. "Go back to the ball room," said Mr. Merton to Brandon, "and take your wife with you. Mr.

'Quel dommage, thought the old French lady to herself as she mounted the balcony steps behind Volintsev and Natalya, 'quel dommage que ce charmant garcon ait si peu de ressources dans la conversation, which may be translated, 'you are a good fellow, my dear boy, but rather a fool. The baron did not arrive to dinner. They waited half-an-hour for him. Conversation flagged at the table.

Ah, je suis heureuse! trop heureuse ... et je tremble délicieusement, Au souvenir charmant du premier jour d'amour! The effect was instant. The youth by the piano smiled radiantly and nodded in vehement approval; the young Italian puffed fiercely at his cigarette; a flash of light crossed Lize's gaze, causing it to concentrate.

Upon her head was a crown of flowers made of gems still more beautiful and rare than those on her robe. Her neck and arms were covered with carbuncles more brilliant than the sun. Charmant was completely dazzled by his bride's beauty but the fairy recalled him from his ecstasy by saying: "Quick! quick! onward!

Tiny bright air-bubbles gathered all round the coating of the fruit, and when it was quite covered with these shining white pearls, they lifted the heavy grape up through the wine to the surface. 'Look! said Mademoiselle Louison, turning her large, swimming eyes upon the journalist, 'look, white angels are bearing a sinner to heaven! 'Ah! charmant, mademoiselle!

"Oh, they are very charmant; bot I like better that other town near London, Philadelphia."

Lise, Lise! venez ici: there's an interior in the manner of Teniers, see: all is in disorder, higgledy-piggledy, a table with a bust upon it, a hand, a palette; and the dust, look how well the dust is painted! c'est charmant! And there is another canvass, a woman washing her face quelle jolie figure! Oh, and there's a mujík! Lise, Lise! a mujík in a Russian shirt! look, do look a mujík!

"Sit down there." Panshine began to excuse himself. "Sit down," she repeated, tapping the back of the chair in a determined manner. He sat down, coughed, pulled up his shirt-collar, and sang his romance. "Charmant," said Varvara Pavlovna. "You sing admirably vous avez du style. Sing it again." She went round to the other side of the piano, and placed herself exactly opposite Panshine.