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We both turned sharply, and Pomp exclaimed in words what I only too gratefully saw "Dah de capen an Mass' Morgan in 'noder boat. Wha my fader too?" I stood up for a moment and waved my hand, and then sat down, and we both pulled our best, after Pomp had grumbled a little, and wanted to let the boat float down alone.

"Capen say must fight for us, Hannibal, and Hannibal going to fight for capen and Mass' George." "But " I checked myself, for it seemed to come to me like a flash that it would be foolish to ask the question I intended about the blacks being faithful.

Death of the Hon. Nahum Capen, at Dorchester, Mass., aged eighty-two years. He was born in Canton in 1804. He came to Boston at the age of twenty-one, embarked in the publishing business in the firm of Marsh, Capen & Lyon, and afterward was connected with several of the leading publishing houses of this city.

So on Mousehole Quay these three stepped ashore, and the first man to shake hands with them was Capen Josiah Penny, of the Perseverance trading ketch, then lying snug in Mousehole Harbour. Being a hearty man he invited them down to his cabin to take a drop of rum. The Penzance fellow, having only a short way to trudge, said "No, thank'ee," and started for home with a small crowd after him.

Suddenly he pointed to a stout young sailor named Tom, and cried: "Stop sir, you are an Englishman!" "I am not, capen, ye's mistaken, I was born at Plymouth, Massachusetts." "Don't dispute my word, sir. I know you, seize him!" Though three of Tom's messmates offered to swear that he was a native of Massachusetts, he was seized, ironed and hurried away.

"Your old chum, Capen Triggs, asked me how I should like to take a bit of a trip with him, and I thought, as I hadn't much to keep me, I'd take his offer; and, as he's stopped at Plymouth for a day or so, I made up my mind to come so far as here and see for myself if some of what I've been told is true."

So great was the fear of the terrible smallpox that the sexton would not perform even that service for its victim. Capen remained at the shanty another week. Then, as the minister showed no symptoms of having contracted the disease and insisted that he needed no companion, Ebenezer departed to take up his fishing once more.

When led out with others to be executed, a negro whispered in his ear, "Massa, my capen tells me, shoot you! But I no shoot you! Only make b'live. You stand up straight when I fire, you fall to ground, and scream, and twist, all same as if you be dead!" The deception was successful. The negro, whose name was Quamina, and belonged to the Lower Pearl estate, was stationed opposite to Bruce.

He went back into the other boat, and, producing some money from up his sleeve, he settled with the men, who nodded, smiled, and, as soon as Ching had returned on board, were about to push off, when Mr Brooke stopped them. "Tell them we shall return the boat as soon as we have done with it." "Yes; no go steal boat. Plenty boat in steamy-ship. Tell them capen give dollar, eh?"

Hab you flog hab you Oh! Oh, Mass' Capen, done, done," he cried piteously, changing his tone and appealing to my father, as he saw him take out and open his great gardening knife, which was as sharp as a razor. "Be quiet," said my father; "I will not hurt you much." "No, no," whimpered Pomp. "Mass' George, ask massa not cut arm off. Cut off lil toe, Massa Capen; cut off um foot.