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When her task was performed she entered the south room with a gentle pride evident in her thin, florid face. "She makes a beautiful corpse," she said, in a hissing whisper. Henry Whitman and his wife were in the room, with Martin Barnes and Simeon Capen, his son-in-law.

So I up an' tole dem, an' de sojer he says, 'Come, Jim, you've done quite enuff fur me, my boy. If you're in danger now, be off with you fast as you can, an' God reward you, for I never can, for all you've done for me. "'No, says Jim, 'Capen, ye needn't talk in dat way, for I'se not goin to budge widout you.

A more strict account of everything was kept; indeed it seemed that the time spent in keeping all the various items, was out of proportion to the work done. I shall not soon forget, in this connection, the joke of "the Parson," E. Capen, who, holding up a pair of pantaloons that he had just received from the Mending Group, said sharply, "I have just gotten a reseat in full for these pantaloons!"

"Capen Curtis," she continued, pursuing a train of thought which the preserves had started, "will never come home, I guess. He has been in furen parts forever and a day; his wife has looked for him, a-twirling her thumb and fingers, every day for ten years. I heard your mother had engaged her to go in the new house; she'll take the upper hand of us all. Your grandfather, Mr.

And here he coughed, coughed lengthily and in a manner which caused his aunt to look alarmed and anxious. She had heard John Capen Bangs cough like that. That very afternoon the Bute family physician saw, questioned and examined Galusha. The following day an eminent specialist did the same things. And both doctors looked gravely at each other and at their patient.

The voice of the negro, who was the property of one of the wealthiest royalists on the lake, became more and more vociferous as the bateau approached the shore. "Wot de goodness youse shakaroons doin' yere? We ain't goin' land yere no, sir! Dis ain't no place fur us. Who yo' t'ink capen ob dis craft, anyway?" "Oh, come along, old man! we wanter see ye!" shouted Bolderwood from the shore.

The doctor came frequently, but said there was no hope. A question of time only, and a short time, he said. Capen occupied his mind with speculations concerning the patient. "Do you know, parson," he said, "seem's if I'd seen the feller somewheres afore. 'Course I never have, but when I used to go whalin' v'yages I cruised from one end of creation to t'other, pretty nigh, and I MIGHT have met him.

Ellery, what shall we do? Shall I tell Dr. Parker?" Ellery considered for a moment. "No," he said slowly. "No, Capen, don't tell anyone. I can't see why they need ever know that he hasn't been dead for years, as they supposed. Promise me to keep it a secret. I'll tell her myself, later on. Now promise me; I trust you." "Land sakes, yes! I'll promise, if you want me to.

He went there, leaving his son at school in Boston, but the warm air and sunshine did not help the cough. Then they sent him to Colorado, where the boy Galusha joined him. For five years he and the boy lived in Colorado. Then John Capen Bangs died. Dorothy Hancock Cabot had a sister, an older sister, Clarissa Peabody Cabot.

If you try to come in here I shall" he smiled "well, Capen and I will put you off the premises by force. There!" Keziah smiled, too, in spite of herself. "Maybe you'd have your hands full," she said. "O John, what in the world made you do this thing? It's dreadful. I shan't sleep a wink, thinkin' of you. I just must come here and help." "No, you mustn't.