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"Thank 'ee kindly," said the captain in reply, "but I'll only ask for a stick to rig up a fore-topmast to carry us to Batavia, where we'll give the old craft a regular overhaul for it's just possible she may have received some damage below the water-line, wi' bumpin' on the mast and yards."

"All right, if you'll tell me what's bothering you." He looked at her quickly. "Nothin'," he grunted. "Yes, there is, too. What's the difference? You'd know it sooner or later. You ought to see old Chavon. His face is that long he can't walk without bumpin' his knee on his chin. His gold-mine's peterin' out." "Gold mine!" "His clay pit. It's the same thing.

"It was going seven in Ditchling as I pelted down the Beacon. Gallop! gallop! gallop! There's ne'er another orse in England could ha done it, with big Jerry Ram bumpin on his back all the way; danged if there be!" He thumped his knee. "King George ought to know on it! He died for him. Fair lay down to it, belly all along the ground.

The voice sounded something like Chess; but when I called him he didn't answer, an' I feared it was his spirit. The' didn't seem to be any use in bumpin' my two heads together any more, so purty soon I dropped 'em, an' straightened up. The' wasn't a sound, an' it was enough sight scarier than the noise had been.

"Then we'll just have to push on an' chance it," sez the Left'nant, "though I must own I do hate being made a helpless runnin'-deer target to every German gunner that likes to coco-nut shy at me. . . . Like a packet o' crackers. . . . Good Lord!" 'We plodded on, the Left'nant spurrin' his horse on and reinin' him back, an' cockin' his ear for the first shell bumpin' on the road.

Well, there was a man named Juiz de Paz, who owned a small shop, and used to go down now and then to Rio de Janeiro to buy goods. Wan evenin' he returned from wan o' his long journeys, and, bein' rather tired, wint to bed. He was jist goin' off into a comfortable doze when there came a terrible bumpin' at the door. "`Hallo! cried Juiz, growlin' angrily in the Portugee tongue; `what d'ye want?

Then at either end of the block was a truck backed up with a band in it and they was tearin' away at all kinds of tunes from the "Marseillaise" to "K-k-k-katie," while bumpin' and bobbin' about on the asphalt were hundreds of couples doing jazz steps and gettin' pelted with confetti. "Why, it's almost like the Mardi Gras!" says Vee.

"It'll be my new brogues that ye hear bumpin' Upon the muckle stanes," said the Laird. "Ye're fou, Brockburn, I tellt ye so. Ye're fou!" growled the Man of Peace, angrily, and the Laird dared not drop any more of the Dwarfs gifts. After a while his companion's good-humour seemed to return, and he became talkative and generous. "I mind your great-grandfather weel, Brockburn.

Dey couldn't see me, and I couldn't see dem, but I could hear dem bumpin' about an' sluggin' each odder, all right, all right. And by an' by one of dem puts de odder to de bad, so dat he goes down and takes de count; an' den I hears a click. And I know what dat is. One of de guys has put de irons on de odder guy.

It was a Wall Street extra, with a scarehead story of how Blitzen had kept 'em guessin' all day and then, in the last quarter of an hour of tradin', had gone bumpin' the bumps from twenty-eight down to almost nothin' at all.