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Davy pulled up his trousers; with him a sure sign of deep emotion. "What kind?" he asked. "Sort o' peterin' out. He was peelin' taters in the Station, when all of a suddint he sot down kinder forcible on a chair, dropped the knife an' tater, an' looked at me as if I'd done somethin' t' him. I ran crost t' him an' stood by, so t' speak.

Charley had noted that many of the men in the camp were barefooted, as if their feet were sore; evidently Woodchuck's Delight was a sort of a resting place. "How are things at the saw-mill diggin's?" queried Mr. Grigsby. "Peterin' out, stranger," replied the red-whiskered man. "Quiet as a Quaker Sunday. I was thar about a month ago." "Is Marshall mining?" "Not much. He's grumblin', mostly.

He laid hold o' me, that cub did it was like his mother and himself together; an' the years flowin' in an' peterin' out, an' him gettin' older, an' always jest the same. Always on rock-bottom, always bright as a dollar, an' we livin' at Black Nose Lake, layin' up cash agin' the time we was to go South, an' set up a house along the railway, an' him to git married.

"We're getting into wilder country, and rocks don't take much of an impression. See, it's peterin' out now." He pointed to the surface of the ground over which they were then traveling. The grass and earth were more and more scanty, and in some places there were patches of shale and rock, on which even an iron-shod hoof would leave no mark. "Yes, it's a wild country," agreed Bud.

I 'laow yu're a greenie, ain't yu?" "In some ways I am, in some ways I'm not." "I 'laow yu aim to go through with this train to Salt Lake, do yu?" "That's the engagement I've made with Mr. Jenks." "Don't feel too smart, yoreself, in them new clothes?" "No. They're all I have. They won't be new long." "Yu bet they won't. Ain't afeared of peterin' aout on the way, be yu? I 'laow yu're sickly."

"Not altogether," the mountaineer agreed, "the real ol'-time feud is peterin' out, an' it's mainly due to the schoolin'. The young folks ain't ready fo' revenge now, an' that sort o' swings the women around. An' up hyeh in the mount'ns, same as everywhar else, I reckon, the idees o' the women make a pile o' difference."

He laid hold o' me, that cub did it was like his mother and himself together; an' the years flowin' in an' peterin' out, an' him gettin' older, an' always jest the same. Always on rock-bottom, always bright as a dollar, an' we livin' at Black Nose Lake, layin' up cash agin' the time we was to go South, an' set up a house along the railway, an' him to git married.

Up in the woods the Boy repeated the conversation to the Colonel, who looked across at O'Flynn several yards away, and said: "Hush!" "Why must I shut up? Mac's eyes do look rather queer and bloodshot. I should think he'd rather feel we lay it to his eyes than know we're afraid he's peterin' out altogether." "I never said I was afraid " "No, you haven't said much."

Get a bunch of them in the open and the most of them point north, but under cover of taller truck they jest point every which way for Sunday. "If ye find a beaten game trail, ye follow that an it'll bring ye to water that is, if ye go the right way, an' that ye know by its gettin' stronger. If it's peterin' out, ye'r goin' in the wrong direction.

"Then Cordts said water an' grass was peterin' out back on the trail, same as Red Wilson said last week. Finally he asked, 'How's my friend Bostil? I told him you was well.