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It wuz like Peri in Paradise callin' for root-beer; it brung me down to the world agin, and anon I heard my pardner say "Wall, I wish I had a few of 'em this minute, Miss Plank." Eatin' at such a time as this the idee! But I wuz brung clear down, and I don't know but it wuz jest as well, for it wuz time for us to alight from our bark.

Casey halted in his unsteady progress toward the dugout. The sheriff was already questioning his two prisoners about other members of the gang; but he looked up when Casey lifted up his voice and spoke his mind of the moment. "Brung a cor'ner, did yuh, lookin' for some one to set on! Barney Oakes is the man that'll need a cor'ner in a minute. You're all goin' to need 'im.

"Yes, Arvilly concluded to come too. She said that if you hadn't started so quick she should have come with you. But when she found out I was comin' she jest set right off with me. She's brung along that book she's agent for, 'The Twin Crimes of America: Intemperance and Greed. She thinks she can most pay her way sellin' it. She jest stopped on the wharf to try to sell a copy to a minister.

Why," sez he, "folks that have been entirely broke down, and made helpless and hopeless invalids, them that have been brung down on their death-beds by the use of that vile Immortal water, have been cured by a few glasses of the pure healin' waters of the Live-forever spring.

The housen of this village are mostly made of bamboo not a nail used in the place. Why, sometimes one hull side of their housen would be made of a mat of braided bamboo. Bamboo is used by them for food, shelter, war implements, medicine, musical instruments, and everything else. Their housen wuz made in Japan, and brung over here and set up by native workmen.

"Who who did you hear it from?" demanded Rupert. Uncle Matt put his foot upon a rustic seat near and leaned forward, resting his elbow on his knee and making impressive gestures with his yellow-palmed old hand. "It was dishyer claimin' dat brung it about," he said; "dishyer claimin' an' 'demnification what's been a-settin' pow'fle heavy on my min' fur long 'nuff.

Something must be done with her, and Jake's words kept repeating themselves in his mind: "She doan or'ter be brung up wid Crackers an' niggers." "No, she don't or'ter," the Colonel thought, involuntarily adopting Jake's dialect; but what to do with her was the question.

Is he makin' up to Christine?" "I reckon he is. From Mely's talk, she's about crazy over the fellow. Don't you like him, Jacob?" "I don't know him, or what he is. He hasn't got any manners. Who brought him here? How'd he come to come, in the first place?" "Mr. Fulkerson brung him, I believe," said the old woman, patiently. "Fulkerson!" Dryfoos snorted. "Where's Mrs. Mandel, I should like to know?

And then we all knew how deathly opposed our pardners wuz to our takin' any public part in meetin' house matters or mountin' rostrums, and that thought quelled us down a sight. Of course when these subjects wuz brung up before us, and turned round and round in front of our eyes, why we had to look at 'em and be rousted up by 'em more or less. It was Nater.

Jackson rose in his stirrups, dropped his lead line and forsook more than a hundred and fifty thousand dollars some two mule-pack loads of gold. His own yell rose high in answer. "I told ye all the world'd be here!" he shouted back over his shoulder. "Do-ee see that old thief Jim Bridger? Him I left drunk an' happy last summer? Now what in hell brung him here?"