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As we were suffering greatly from thirst, we were anxious to get back as soon as possible. We had, we found, gone at least ten miles out of our way. Bracewell had, however, with the aid of Toby, traced us. Though our horses were tired, their eagerness to obtain water made them exert themselves, and they did not take long to cover the ground.

Mrs Crossland began, "the father of these gentlewomen consigned them to my care " "And I take them out of your care," returned my Uncle Charles. "I will take the responsibility to Mr Bracewell." "I'll take all the responsi-what's-its-name," said Charlotte, suddenly appearing among us. "Thank you, Mr Desborough; I'd rather not stop here when Hatty is gone. Emily!" she shouted.

The last time he had been on shore, in order to recover his brother's confidence he endeavoured to make himself agreeable to the other partners. Mr Swab, however, I know, did not trust him, as he privately told Harry Bracewell on one occasion. "And don't you," he added; "he is without principles; he always did what he chose regardless of God or man.

We dashed forward with our pistols in our hands. When we reached the knoll, not a man was to be seen on his feet, but three lay dead or dying among the rocks. At that instant a fourth sprang up with a rifle in his hand with which he was taking aim at Bracewell, when, before he had time to pull the trigger, the overseer fired and he fell.

"Thank you," said Mrs Bracewell; "we shall be glad of your protection. We wish to see Harry's and Mr Westerton's cabin, and the brig, now that she is ready for sea, so that we may picture them to ourselves when they are far away."

They had not gone far when Ralph felt one of his fellow captives stumble up against him, evidently to attract his attention. "Hist, old ship! I'd have given a year's wages rather than have seen you in the hands of the gang," whispered the man, whom he knew at once to be Dick Bracewell. "Thank you, Dick," answered Ralph. "I am vexed with myself for not having brought my protection with me.

As we galloped up what was our dismay to find it on fire, while the outbuildings were nearly burnt to the ground! We dashed up shouting to our friends, but no one replied. "They must have gone across the stream," cried Bracewell; and turning our horses' heads we rode furiously on through the flames which had already caught the bushes on either side of us.

"But I don't like you two fellows, with only Toby, to travel through the bush, with a chance of falling in with hostile blacks or those rascally bushrangers, who would only be too glad to stick you up and revenge themselves for your setting me free," said Bracewell.

He stood for a moment gazing fiercely at Harry. "What business have you here?" he exclaimed in a voice hoarse with passion. Harry wisely did not answer him; but Lucy, looking up and holding Harry's hand, said quietly "Mr Bracewell has come to escort my aunt and me into the country, and I have good reason for the annoyance I feel at the question you have put to him.

We had again mounted and were going round on the opposite side, when Bracewell exclaimed "The blacks have been here. See, here are the remains of their fire still smouldering. They cannot have left it very long.