United States or Syria ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Isn't it curious, by the way, that the fellow who stole and hid this girl should be the innocent means of revealing her biding place?" The two men stared at him blankly. The car, during this conversation, had moved steadily on, turning this and that corner in a way that might have confused anyone not perfectly acquainted with this section of the city.

Do you term that perpetual, pistareen, paste-pot work, American art, American drama, taste, verse? I think I hear, echoed as from some mountain-top afar in the west, the scornful laugh of the Genius of these States. Democracy, in silence, biding its time, ponders its own ideals, not of literature and art only not of men only, but of women. Far, far, indeed, stretch, in distance, our Vistas!

She desired above all things to annoy the large mysterious Southerner who had resisted her attractions, who had preferred another, and who now seemed indifferent to anything she might say about him. But M. Daveau was only biding his time; and when Mildred came to renew her subscription to the studio, he told her that he was very sorry, but that he could not accept her any longer as a pupil.

And so they took their departure; and Montague sat alone and smoked and thought. The face still stayed with him; and now suddenly, in a burst of light, it came to him what it was: the face of a bird of prey of the great wild, lonely eagle! You have seen it, perhaps, in a menagerie; sitting high up, submitting patiently, biding its time.

They were not fifty yards away, moving deliberately, looking neither to the right nor to the left. We felt the honor of it they had admitted us to their charmed circle. But Sarah was biding her time I have not mentioned, I think, a small building that, when we came, stood just across the road from our house a rather long, low structure with sliding windows, called "the shop."

"It is ill biding here after sunset. The slain are unquiet by reason of Streone's deeds." "They will not harm me, Thrand," I answered. "I would I lay here with them even now . . . but that is past." I rose up and went down the hill with him, and the sun set behind it, and it was gray and black against the red evening sky.

It was now the height of summer, and her duty was to stand behind her mistress with a large fan, with which she kept up a gentle current of air over Flavia's head and drove off the troublesome flies. Sometimes she had to continue doing so for hours, while Flavia chatted with her friends. Sempronius was biding his time.

It had been white before with the whiteness that comes of a dark cell and long biding within it. Only the warm sun had taken him out today, for Phelim said that he was close on ninety years of age. Then he set forth his hand to me, and laid it on my arm. "Tell me who you are," he said. "We are Norse folk, cast ashore here by mischance in the gale." "Norse?" he said.

Margaret turned suddenly, and there, just behind her, almost touching her, stood Rosa, that strange, baleful gleam in her eyes like a serpent who was biding her time, drawing nearer and nearer, knowing she had her victim where she could not move before she struck.

For a considerable time Hampton supposed him asleep, until he accidentally caught the stealthy glance which followed his slightest movement, and instantly realized that the old weasel was alert. Murphy had been beaten, yet evidently remained unconquered, biding his chance with savage stoicism, and the other watched him warily even while seeming to occupy himself with the field-glass.