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I hear the shuffle of feet as the men stand to attention, and the orderlies come out again, and the folds of the flag have ballooned up to receive and embrace a man's body. Where is he going? To the mortuary. Yes ... but where else...? Perhaps there is nothing better than the ecstasy and unappeasement of life? My feet ache, ache, ache...! End of the first day.

It became a column, ballooned, and then was invisible. But he knew that somebody had just started a fire. He picked out the spot with the glasses. Smoke was plainly visible through the powerful lenses. It was close to the river beside the bank, in fact and he could catch glimpses of one or two horses. But, because of the trees, he could see little more. "Darn the luck," said Sandy.

But the gale! While running before the wind, the wind, although it had ballooned our sails out to bursting point, brushing us along at a wild, mad-cap rate, and buffeting the boisterous billows on either hand, scooping them up from the depths of the ocean and piling them in immense waves of angry water that rolled after us, striving to overwhelm us, we could hardly, even while taking advantage of it, appreciate its awful and tremendous force.

The first impression conveyed by the numbers of the tin boxes and their bearers and escort had been deepened. Why? Because the riding breeches were of that exaggerated cut sometimes actually to be seen outside tailor's advertisements. They were gathered trimly around an effeminately slender waist, and then ballooned out to an absurd width, only to contract again skin tight around the knees.

Passengers unlatched overhead bins and waited in the aisle for the door to open. "Goodbye," Oliver said to the woman. "Aloha," she said, "good luck, huh." "Aloha," Oliver said, for the first time without irony. The word felt good in his mouth. He stepped through the door into a perfume of flowers and burnt jet fuel. White clouds ballooned over green mountain ridges.

As my friend Captain Con O'Donnell says, it's plain to the naked eye as a pair of particularly fat laundry drawers hung out to dry and ballooned in extension if mayhap you've ever seen the sight of them in that state: just held together by a narrow neck of thread or button, and stretching away like a corpulent frog in the act of swimming on the wind.

The water turned him over but he caught the edge of the box. His loose purple "jumper" of cotton and silk ballooned at the back as he swung by one hand in the on-rushing water, thick and yellow with sand, filled with the grinding boulders that came down as, though shot from a catapult, drowning completely his, agonized cry of "Bluce! Bluce!"

She studied them as the fifteen apostles of the ne plus ultra; then, having taken some flowers and plumes out of a box, amid warnings from Constance, she retreated behind the glass, and presently emerged as a great lady in the style of the princesses. Her mother's tremendous new gown ballooned about her in all its fantastic richness and expensiveness.

Then, not louder than a heavy stroke upon a drum, came the detonation of the buried cartridges in the first hole, and the earth above them suddenly ballooned and burst like an over-inflated paper-bag and let through a spit of brief fire and a jet of smoke. "Ach, du lieber" began the Baron, and had the words chopped off short by the second explosion.

Now great gray masses of oily smoke ballooned upward, drifting away to leeward before the gale. As soon as the anchors were tripped the bows of the great ship swung seaward. She began to forge ahead. The Kennebunk was a huge craft, indeed, being of thirty-two thousand tons' displacement.