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"What is the matter with you?" inquired his wife, who had already retired to her bed; "has the horse been balky, or have you met with an accident?" "Nothing, nothing, darling Ulgenie; but my head has been heavy all the afternoon." "That is caused by your excessive sleeping," said Mrs. Ulrica. "Perhaps it is.

He is backed down into the ditch of scorn and contempt, but still is not willing to draw an ounce. O foolish minister, trying in that way to manage a balky parishioner! Let him alone. Go on and leave him there. Pay less attention to the horse that balks, and give more oats to those that pull. Leave him out in the cold. Some day you will come back and find him glad to start.

I thought it wouldn't do any hurt to let him think it over about the job a man took on himself when he sot out to represent a woman. They wouldn't like it in lots of ways, as willin' as they seem to be in print. Wimmen go through lots of things calm and patient that would make a man flinch and shy off like a balky horse, and visey versey.

It is one of the delightful peculiarities of human nature that everybody knows better how to manage a balky horse or mule than the unfortunate man who is trying to. "Stop whippin' them mules. You only make them wuss," shouted one man authoritatively. "Tie stones to their tails." "Tie a string around their ears," shouted another. "That'll be sure to start 'em." "Bite their ears, you fools.

I also find that it is quite a favorite amusement for indicators to stop entirely, like a balky horse, after which no amount of persuasion will bring them to a realizing sense of their duty. Even at the best, these indicators are very apt to get out of order, necessitating greater watchfulness in supplying elevators than for any other purpose for which water is furnished.

You'd best stay close to the Skyrocket; we don't want to take any chances, you know." All the time he had been talking he had been tinkering with the motor, which was having a little balky spell.

I'm ready to get at 'em when you say the word." "My business will not detain either of us long. "Sit down, man, sit down. You make me nervous standing there." "No. I won't sit." He looked at me. "What is the matter with you?" he asked. "You haven't got a balky digestion, have you? I've been fighting one for the last week.

Walk them about together for some time as slowly and lazily as possible; stop often, and go up to your balky horse and gentle him. Do not take any whip about him, or do any thing to excite him, but keep him just as quiet as you can. He will soon learn to start off at the word, and stop whenever you tell him.

They differed in looks and behavior, as every big family will, and she could see that they had their little squabbles together, a-quarrelin' among themselves over their possessions, their toys and their rights they wuz jealous of each other, and greedy, as children will be; and they had their perplexities, and their deep troubles, and their vexations, as children must have in this world, and some wuz fractious, and some wuz balky, and some wuz good dispositioned, and some wuz cross and mean, and had to be spanked more or less.

Anyway, I sat on it and tightened my legs around it just like a fellow does with a balky horse, and then I began jouncing up and down like on a seesaw. Pretty soon the other end came up and, oh, boy, didn't I get dumped off into the water. It looked like a slimy old log floating. I gave it a turn and then g o o d night what do you think it was? It was a regular Indian dug-out.