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Do you thus speak to me, your wedded wife, who bears your stupid indifference; your want of tenderness and love with angelic forbearance? O, this is too much! It is shameful! It is undeserved!" "Now, now, Ulgenie, do not be so hasty. You know how patient I am." "And what am I, then, to be married to such a musty husband?

He had no desire to disappoint his young pupil of the valley. "Excellent youth!" exclaimed his aunt, "pleasure cannot wile you from your duties. God forbid that I should attempt to do so; and you Fabian," she added extending her arms towards her husband, "kiss me before you go. Your Ulgenie has no desire to deprive you of any reasonable enjoyments."

"Her disposition resembles mine more than her person does," said Mrs. H , casting a glance of tender inquiry upon her husband. "Yes, my dear," replied he, "your angelic disposition and patience are well known." He well understood the smile with which his wife had accompanied her words. "Good Fabian, you know how to appreciate your wife!" "Sweet Ulgenie!"

Her destiny was entirely changed; but after a few moments' reflection, she determined to submit to her fate, and become the one who should obey, not command. While she was meditating in what manner she should refute the charges brought against her by her husband, she was interrupted by a truly soft and persuasive voice, which said: "Sweet Ulgenie, dearest wife, can your heart be touched?

"I have felt grieved at the thought that it might be so, nothing further." "Well, well, dear Ulgenie, I will release you from this burden on your conscience." Mr.

So much did he respect his "dear Ulgenie," that he felt it even at his present distance from her, and perhaps he would have relinquished all his plans in relation to his beautiful Magde, had he not discovered that the window was fastened only with a small cord.

How true are the words of the wise Solomon, "All is vanity and vexation of spirit; and there is no profit under the sun." But it is not to be believed that Mr. Fabian's slumbers were disturbed because his wife had deserted him. No, he even preferred the company of hunger and thirst rather than that of his Ulgenie.

Mistress Ulrica, however, did not permit herself to be moved by this gentle epithet. "Fabian," said she, shaking his shoulder roughly, "you are going to sleep again. Quick! get up! I have had your top boots nicely greased, and on the chair you will find your hunting coat and game-bag. Everything is made as comfortable as possible." "Sweet Ulgenie," expostulated Mr. Fabian.

"What is the matter with you?" inquired his wife, who had already retired to her bed; "has the horse been balky, or have you met with an accident?" "Nothing, nothing, darling Ulgenie; but my head has been heavy all the afternoon." "That is caused by your excessive sleeping," said Mrs. Ulrica. "Perhaps it is.

"I know that not long since you found it difficult to take care of yourself. This sudden change in your disposition will never do." "Dear Ulgenie, I acknowledge your superior judgment; but to-day I really must attend the auction at Rorby, there is to be a sale of some genuine Spanish sheep." "Ah! as that is really some business, you may go; but come home early."