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"You forget, my dear bairn, 'Inasmuch as ye have done it to one of these little ones, ye have done it unto ME. 'He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the LORD. I have lent Him a good deal at different times, and He has always paid me back with usury." There was something at once solemn and a little sad in the way the old lady spoke.

'That was not spoken like a bairn of Ellangowan, said Meg, frowning upon Miss Bertram. 'It is the ill-doers are ill-dreaders. 'In short, I must go, said Bertram, 'it is absolutely necessary; wait for me five minutes on this spot. 'Five minutes? said the gipsy, 'five hours may not bring you here again. 'Do you hear that? said Julia; 'for Heaven's sake do not go! 'I must, I must; Mr.

"In that case she's no muckle the waur, and ye needna gang lamentin: she 'll no be the ane to tell! and ye maunna, for her sake! Sae tak ye comfort ower what's gane and dune wi', and canna come back, and maunna happen again. Eh, but it's a' God's-mercy there was nae bairn!"

In sorrow the pledge was given, and in joy performed. Her life became wrapt up in her son's life; and it was her morning and her evening prayer that she might live to see her "dear Thamas a shining light in the kirk." Often she declared that he was an "auld farrant bairn, and could ask a blessing like ony minister." Our wishes and affections, however, often blind our judgment.

It has come ower late!" exclaimed Jeanie, wringing her hands. "No, Jeanie," returned Deans, in the same grave melancholy tone. "She lives in the flesh, and is at freedom from earthly restraint, if she were as much alive in faith, and as free from the bonds of Satan." "The Lord protect us!" said Jeanie. "Can the unhappy bairn hae left you for that villain?"

Her father Gilbert had been deeply pious, a savage disciplinarian in the antique style, and withal a notorious smuggler. "I mind when I was a bairn getting mony a skelp and being shoo'd to bed like pou'try," she would say. "That would be when the lads and their bit kegs were on the road.

If I hadn't, ye'd have been running about distributing black eyes among my clients just on suspicion, ye fierce wee randy!" "Och, you make fun of me !" She smiled, palely, and gnawed the ginger stick, her jaw being so impeded by her desire to cry that she could not bite it. "Poor bairn!

"Oh, guidman!" cried she, "your poor, heart-broken wife will fall on her knees before ye and I implore ye, for my sake, and for the sake o' our dear bairn, that ye winna fling away life, and rush upon destruction. What in the name of fortune, has a peaceable man like you to do wi' war or wi' Bonaparte either?

Yes, he said, he had enjoyed himself very much. Nothing could be more polite than the archbishop, and Mrs. Archbishop had been equally charming. Mrs. Proudie was delighted to hear it; nothing, she declared, pleased her so much as to think Her bairn respectit like the lave.

Janet was arrested in her turn: could the fierce, repellent, whisky-craving woman be the mother of her gracious Gibbie? Could she be, and look so lost? But the loss of him had lost her perhaps. Anyhow God was his Father, whoever was the mother of him. "Hoo cam ye to tyne yer bairn, wuman?" she asked. But Mistress Croale was careful also, and had her reasons.