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Most of them knew him, dark though it was, and greeting him, guessed the errand on which he raced. Once or twice he collided with those who were slow to get out of his path, and almost overturned old Amos Entwistle into the goit as he pushed past him on the bank that afforded the nearest cut to the village. 'Naa, lad, who arto pushin' agen, and where arto baan i' that hurry?

"He twilted his wife, did Learoyd, while she ran away wi' Sam Woodhead at t' Woolpack, an' then he selled his dowter for sixpence. He can't bide women-fowks i' t' house." "Then he'll not git me to coom an' live wi' him. I've swallowed t' church i' my last place, but I'm noan baan to swallow t' steeple at efter."

Penrose drew nearer to the boy, and repeated the grand death-song of the saints: 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. The boy shook his head for him the words had no meaning. Then, raising himself, he said: 'Ax God O'meety to leet His candle. I'm baan along th' seam, an' it's fearfo dark!

There's a fearful deal o' oaths spilt in a grave while it's i' th' makin', I can tell yo'; and th' Almeety's name is spoken more daan i' th' hoile than it is up aboon, for all th' parson reads it so mich aat of his book. But this funeral's baan to be lat', Mr. Penrose'; and drawing a huge watch from his fob, he exclaimed: 'Another ten minutes and there's no berryin' i' th' yard this afternoon.

I could ha' liked to ha' deed in th' owd chamber aboon, and left th' haas feet fermost when I left it for good. And the old woman rocked herself in her grief over the dying fire. 'Well, gronmother, wee'n all to dee, and I durnd know as it matters where we dee as long as we're ready. It's where we're baan to live as bothers me, said the hard-headed daughter-in-law.

'Well, I'm baan to wrostle wi' Him, an' if He flings me aw shannot ax yo' to pick me up, noather. 'Thaa mun say, "Thy will be done," Deborah. 'Nowe! never to th' deeath o' yon chilt. 'Doesto say thaa willn't? 'Yi, Amos, aw do! Then Amos turned away, groaning in spirit at the rebellious hearts of the children of men.

'Has th' missus towd thee ought abaat aar Milly? somewhat sullenly interrogated the father. 'Nothing of any moment, said Mr. Penrose. 'Of course she could not; we were never together out of your daughter's presence. 'Then aw'll tell thee. Milly's baan to-morn to th' infirmary to hev her leg tan off. The strong man shook in the convulsive grip of his grief.

"Why, thin, 'tis a quare story, an' as thrue as you're sittin' there; and I'd make bould to say there isn't a boy in the seven parishes could tell it better nor crickther than myself, for 'twas my father himself it happened to, an' many's the time I heerd it out iv his own mouth; an' I can say, an' I'm proud av that same, my father's word was as incredible as any squire's oath in the counthry; and so signs an' if a poor man got into any unlucky throuble, he was the boy id go into the court an' prove; but that dosen't signify he was as honest and as sober a man, barrin' he was a little bit too partial to the glass, as you'd find in a day's walk; an' there wasn't the likes of him in the counthry round for nate labourin' an' baan diggin'; and he was mighty handy entirely for carpenther's work, and mendin' ould spudethrees, an' the likes i' that.

'I'd ha' yo' to know, Amos Entwistle, that I'm noan in yor catechism class, an' I'm noan baan to be. Yo' can tak' an' praitch yor rubbidge somewheer else. Yo've no occasion to come to me, I con tell yo'. And then, looking down at the reposeful little face, she kissed it, and continued, 'Did he co thee an idol, my darlin'? Ne'er heed him, owd powse ud he is!

It was more pleasant to live in the professor's good house, to have delightful walks arm in arm with Jan under the trees in the Baan or round the Singels, parting under the stars with many a lingering word and promise to meet again. It was during one of those very partings that the professor suddenly became aware, as he walked placidly home, of the change that had come into Koosje's life.