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Updated: August 1, 2024

F'r th' prisint I'll devote me attintion to makin' a noise in th' sthreets an' studyin' human nature." "Ye'd be a lively ol' buck over there," said Mr. Hennessy, admiringly. "Tis a good thing ye can't go." "It is so," said Mr. Dooley. "I'm glad I have no millyonaire rilitives to be depindent on me f'r support whin th' show's over." "I see," said Mr.

It's not over-light here, sur; mind yer feet as ye go, an' pay attintion to your head, for what betune holes in the floor an' beams in the ceilin', tall gintlemen like you, sur, come to grief sometimes." Thanking the figure for its civility, Mr Hazlit knocked at the door indicated, but there was no response. "Sure it's out they are!" cried the figure from the other end of the passage.

"It's raison I have too," he added thickly, but quite audibly, "for she nursed my poor wife through a long illness, an' it's my belaif she wouldn't ha' bin alive this day but for the care and attintion she got from Elise." The demon fled horrified out at the key-hole the window being shut and Le Rue, feeling the deepest regard for Rooney, relieved his feelings with a sigh and more "pig."

But neither splash nor cry awakened the sleepers, who were, like Barney O'Reardon, after keeping awake for a week; when they went to sleep they paid "attintion to it," and the night wore on till it must have been one o'clock.

"Will somebody near the door," says Flannagan, "kindly take the hot-waffle-man an' dhrop a hot waffle down the back of his neck, to disthract his attintion while the ciremonies proceed?" Stevey Todd ran out of the door. But the people of Greenough was happy in front, and the show was hilarious behind. David turned handsprings till he sweated his spots into streaks.

Just at that time, or soon afterward, your Honor, a large vessel stood across our bow, going down stream in the night, and I put on all my strength, at Mr. William Zane's order, to cross in front of her, and did so. I was so afraid the ship would take us under that I put my whole attintion to my task, not daring to disobey so positive a boss as Mr. Zane, though it was agin my judgment, indade."

McFudd threw off his coat and vest, cocked a Scotch smoking- cap over one eye, and seizing the Chinese gong in one hand and the wooden mallet in the other, climbed upon the piano and faced his motley orchestra. "Attintion, gentlemen," whispered McFudd. "The first chune will be 'Old Dog Tray, because it begins wid a lovely howl.

Your bonus would be but a small thing if you got it. If all the farmers in the district were to combine to grow beet-root on every acre they could plough, and nothing else, even then it would hardly pay the sugar-mills, or possibly the farmers either. Stick to cattle and sheep, to pigs and potatoes, "Ontil ye're able to give ye're attintion to fruit. Fruit!

An' li'l black Mose jes moan an' sob: "'Scuse me! 'Scuse me, Mistah King! Ah ain't mean no harm at all." But nobody ain't pay no attintion to him at all, 'ca'se yevery one lookin' at a monstrous big ha'nt whut name Bloody Bones, whut rose up an' spoke. "Your Honor, Mistah King, an' gin'l'min an' ladies," he say, "dis am a right bad case ob lazy majesty, 'ca'se de king been step on.

And if you've got a bank in your eye, you'd best pay particular attintion to your dustin' and your dishwashin'. Them's your two first steps." Little Jim pondered as well as he was able. It seemed to him that the first steps to everything in life, according to his mother, were dusting and dishwashing. His face was downcast and he put the dishes on the table in an absent-minded way.

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