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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Ye 'd niver let an Oirishman go hungry," he appealed, putting a brogue on his tongue. "Arrah, me darlin', no maid wid such lips but has a kind heart." The officer boldly put his hand under the woman's chin and made as if he would kiss her. Then, as she eluded the threatened blandishment, he continued, "Sure, and do ye call yeself a woman, that ye starve a man all ways to wanst?"

"Arrah, sure, that's part o' the saycrets o' navigation, and the varrious branches o' knowledge that is requizit for a navigator; and that's what the captain, God bless him, and myself was discoorsin' an aboord; and, like a rale gintleman as he is, Barny, says he; Sir, says I; you've come the round, says he.

For a long time our comrade endured the infliction, and remained silent; but at length it became too painful for his patience, and he began to speak out. "Arrah, now, girls," said he, in a tone of good-humoured intreaty, "will yez be aizy? Did yez niver see rid hair afore?" The squaws, on hearing the appeal, which of course they understood not, only showed their white teeth in loud laughter.

"He then set off, but pulled up abruptly, and said, "'Arrah, Mr. Darcy, maybe you'd be civil enough to lind me the loan of a sword, or bagnet, or gun, or anything that way, that would be sarviceable to a body on a pinch? "'Yes! said I, 'and enable you to commit murder? No, no, Murphy; I'm sorry it's not in my power to put a final stop to such dangerous quarrels!

The sons of Yunis obtained aid of the Mijjarthayn tribe. The sons of Ahmed called in the Habr Gerhajis, especially the Musa Arrah clan, to which the Hajj Sharmarkay belongs, and, with his assistance, defeated and drove out the Ayyal Yunis.

But Considine little heeded the direction, steering straight for the narrow channel the man alluded to. "Tear and ages, but you're going right for the cloch na quirka!" "Arrah, an' the devil a taste I'll be drowned for your devarsion!" said the other, springing up.

She had dropped into a rustic seat, and was thinking over the events of the evening with an amused smile, when the following startling words arose from the adjacent shrubbery: "Arrah, noo, will ye niver be sinsible? Here I'm offerin' ye me heart, me loife. I'd be glad to wourk for ye, and kape ye loike a leddy.

"Arrah! the spalpeens will not be again trying to walk into the houses of dacent people with a cock an' bull story about hunting for a runaway slave. Just let them have a taste of your rifle, and they'll not forget the lesson we ye given them." This she said at the top of her voice, knowing that the men outside would hear her.

"I thought as how there wasn't a man in the ship as could ha' done sich a low, mean thing as that." "No more did I," said Dick Barnes. "Wall, boys," observed Nikel Sling emphatically, "I guess as how that I don't believe it yet." "Arrah! D'ye think the bottle o' brandy stole his-self?" inquired Briant.

"Is it about your ould, rusty Tobaccy-box? Arrah, what 'ud I know about it? What the sorra would a man like you do wid a Tobaccy-box, that doesn't ever smoke? Is it mad or ravin' you are? Somehow I think the stroll you had wid the vagabone gipsy of a daughter of yours, hasn't put you into the best of timper, or her aither.

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