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"Arrah!" said Barney, scratching his head and wrinkling his forehead intensely, as all that we have just written, and a great deal more, was told to him by a Scotch settler whom he found superintending a cattle estate and a saw-mill on the banks of the Amazon "Faix, then, I'm jist as wise now as before ye begun to spake.

Meetuck's duties were not light upon this occasion, as you may suppose. "Arrah! then, don't ye onderstand me?" cried O'Riley, in an excited tone, to a particularly obtuse and remarkably fat Esquimau, who was about as sharp at a bargain as himself. "Hallo! Meetuck, come here, do, and tell this pork-faced spalpeen what I'm sayin'. Sure I couldn't spake plainer av I wos to try."

* The religious orders, as they are termed, most commonly entered into by the peasantry, are those of the Scapular and St. Francis. The order of Jesus or that of the Jesuits, is only entered into by the clergy and the higher lay classes. "How long will you stop in the neighborhood?" inquired Frank. "Arrah why, acushla?" replied the mendicant, softening his language.

And when the spirit and the mischief in his little manly heart would prompt him to steal out of the house, and adventure into the streets with Naomi by his side, he would be found in the thick of the throng perhaps at the heels of the mules and asses, with Naomi's hand locked in his hand, trying to push the great creatures of the crowd from before her, and crying in his brave little treble, "Arrah!"

Often did I sit with Polly Ann till midnight in the sentry's tower, straining my ears for the owl's hoot that warned us of his coming. Sometimes he was empty-handed, but sometimes a deer hung limp and black across his saddle, or a pair of turkeys swung from his shoulder. "Arrah, darlin'," said Terence to Polly Ann, "'tis yer husband and James is the jools av the fort.

"Arrah now," he hailed, "which of you's the man that came ashore at Porto and passed through Evvisa overnight? Spake up quick now, and surrender, for I have ye covered!" He lifted his rifle. I cast my eye over the space of macchia between us, and decided that I had only his bullet to fear. "A poco, a poco," I called back.

In a mighty few short minuts we shall know" his jaw dropped "fwhat we shall know! . . . Arrah thin, Docthor!" he silenced a violent protest from that adventurous gentleman, who made as though to accompany them "if ye wud help us in best fashion shtay right here, an' mark fwhat comes off. If we shud happen tu get ut in th' neck . . . just yu' beat ut back tu Lanky! Ye know fwhat tu du thin.

"Faix, an' it's you that's taken them out o' me, then. A purty woman always makes a fool o' me. Divil a word o' lie in it. Faix, Mrs. Doran, ma'am, you have a chin o' your own! Well, well! Oh, be Gorra, I wish I hadn't come out this mornin' any how!" "Arrah, why, Phelim? In throth, it's you that's the quare Phelim!" "Why, ma'am Oh bedad it's a folly to talk. I can't go widout tastin' them.

Nancy now went into the bar, whither she gave Ned a wink to follow her; and truly was glad of an opportunity of escaping from the presence of the visitor. When there, she ejaculated "May the holy Mother keep and guard us, Ned, but I'm afeard that's no Christian crathur, at all at all! Arrah, Ned, aroon, would he be that ould Square Grame, that Shane Fadh, maybe, angered, by spakin' of him?"

"Faith, an' ye've said ut!" answered one of the kings. "Three cows between tin Oirish kings! 'Tis insultin'! Arrah, now, make it foive, St. Piran darlint!" "Now may they make your stummucks ache for that word, ye marautherin' thieves av the world!" And St. Piran slammed the door in their faces. But these kings were Ulstermen, and took things seriously.