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Updated: August 17, 2024

The song grew louder as he advanced, until, emerging into an open space, he came upon the singer, a gray-haired negro trudging sturdily along with a stout hickory stick in his hand. The negro doffed his cap and bowed humbly. "Marstah, hez you seed anythin' ob a spotted heifer wid one horn broke off, anywhars on de road? She's pushed down de bars an' jes' skipped off somewhars."

I axed one of the storekeepers standin' in front if Tom Collins was anywhars about, and, as I remember now, he slid his hand over his mouth an' sorter turned his face to one side and yelled back in the store: "'Say, boys, is Tom Collins back thar? An' right then, Mr.

"Dey said I was de pretties' girl anywhars about. Had teeth jes like pearls. Whoops! Look at em now. Ain got 'nuff left to chaw wid. You notices how light-complected I is? My own father was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. De Yanks captured him an killed him." "I was hoein in de field dat time Moss com 'long and see me and say he gwine marry me.

"Kom vis me," said Eaglenose to Skipping Rabbit one day after school. "Var you goes?" asked the girl shyly yet we might almost say twinklingly. "Don' know. Nowhars. Everywhars. Anywhars." "Kim 'long, den." "Skipping one," said Eaglenose of course in his own tongue, though he continued the sentence in English "de lunguish of de pale-fass am diffikilt." "Yes 'most too diffikilt for larn."

Liz never could pass anywhar nigh 'er without havin' the old cat laugh out loud at 'er. Liz has been goin' with that cock-eyed Joe Webb a good deal you know he's jest about the porest ketch anywhars about, an' that seemed to tickle Mis' Dawson mightily. I reckon somebody told 'er some'n Liz said away back when you fust started to fly around 'er.

They came that afternoon to a camp fire beside which the warriors and captives had slept the night before. "They ate bar meat an' wild turkey," said Long Jim, looking at some bones on the ground. "An' here," said Tom Ross, "on this pile uv bushes is whar the women an' children slept, an' on the other side uv the fire is whar the warriors lay anywhars.

The law wunt let us have liquor shipped to us from anywhars in the State. If we git it sent to us from outside the State it has to come by express and reg-lar old pop-skull it is, too. So, to be good law-abiding citizens, we-uns must travel back and forth at a heap of expense, or pay express rates on pizened liquor and we are too durned poor to do ary one or t'other. "Now, yan's my field o' corn.

I ought to know by this time that it's no use arguing with the tide." "Always seems more sot here than anywhars," agreed the boy. "Besides, I want you to have time to telephone for that carriage. Don't let them make any mistake. I must catch the one o'clock train." "Yes. When are ye comin' fer good, Miss Edna?" "Oh, in just a few weeks. June, some time.

"I know all about the woods, and can find my way anywhars. My idee is, to go back towards the trail, strike into it, an' move along slowly an' cautiously, till we git nigh the place whar I left the skewner." Zac waited in this place till towards evening, and then started once more.

"Thar's one secret," said the captain, "of navigatin in these here waters, an that is, to use your anchor. My last anchor I used for nigh on thirty year, till it got cracked. I mayn't be much on land, but put me anywhars on old Fundy, an I'm to hum. I know every current on these here waters, an can foller my nose through the thickest fog that they ever ground out at old Manan."

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