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What makes me speak about the lake is that for a long time I thought these verses, Ton ame est un lac d'amour Dont mes pensees sont les cygnes. Vois comme ils font le tour....

Et lui, Buonaparte, il a voulu creer, non pas un homme, mais un empire, et pour donner une existence, une ame, a son oeuvre gigantesque, il n'a pas hesite a arracher la vie a des nations entieres. Jupiter indigne de l'impiete de Promethee, le riva vivant a la cime du Caucase.

Let us, however, ask the witness Armstrong one question. Do you positively swear to this young man being one of the persons who attacked you?" "It was not very light at the time, sir, and both the men had their faces smutted; but it was a person just his size, and dressed in the ame way, as near as I can recollect." "You cannot, therefore, swear to his identity?"

Mais comme le divorce entre eux n'est pas nouveau, Et que peu de beaux corps, hotes d'une belle ame, Assemblent l'un et l'autre point "

"Then we have him," said the count, composedly. "If his assistance be worth buying, we can bid high for it. Sur mon ame, I never yet knew money fail with any man who was both worldly and dependent. I put him and myself in your hands." Thus saying, the count opened the door, and conducted his sister with formal politeness to her carriage. He then returned, reseated himself, and mused in silence.

After the rhythm, to us, at any rate, with the German paste in our composition, so deeply unsatisfying, of "Ah! que me dites-vous, et qne vous dit mon âme? Que dit le ciel a l'aube et la flamme

Some barbarous modulations are certainly apocryphal.... We are unable to imagine what L'Africanne would have been if Scribe had lived and the authors had put it into shape. The work we have is illogical and incomplete. The words are simply monstrous and Scribe certainly would not have kept them. This is the case in the passage in the great duet: O ma Sélika, vous régnez sur mon âme!

Papa has been made a bishop!" With a cheery laugh she went to the table and took up the newspaper. Sa maniere de souffrir est le temoignage qu'une ame porte sur elle-meme. There was a horrid throbbing silence while Dora read, and her parents calculated the seconds which would necessarily elapse before she reached the bottom line. Such moments as these are scored up as years in the span of life.

She is sincere as she is innocent, the white princess, "une âme sans détours," and speaks the truth of her heart with wonderfully little circumlocution, as to herself now in her salutation of the hall, so to others later. "Once more I greet you, beloved hall, oh, joyously greet you, place ever dear! In you reawaken echoes of his singing, and draw me from my melancholy dream.

Nothing remains but a disheartening item of human folly, which may still excite curiosity, but which will rather defile than purify the mind that considers it. A French poet has said: Il n'est de vulgaire chagrin Qua celui d'une âme vulgaire. The counterpart of this maxim is equally true.