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"Berm-dumplin'," was as satisfying as anything that she could get, and it would "stick to their ribs" better than "ony mak o' swill;" besides, the children liked it. Speaking of her husband, she said, "He were eawt o' wark a good while; but he geet a shop at last, at Blackrod, abeawt four mile off Wigan.

He'll be here in abeawt three-quarters of an hour that is, if he doesn't co', an' I hope he'll not, to neet. I'll put th' kettle on. Jenny, my lass, bring him a tot o' ale." I sat down by the side of a small round table, with a thick plane-tree top, scoured as white as a clean shirt; and Jenny brought me an old-fashioned blue-and-white mug, full of homebrewed.

And now, old John, the grinder, began to complain again of how badly he had been used about the broken windows in Nile Street. But the old chairmaker stopped him; and, turning up his blind eyes, he said, "John, don't you be foolish. Bother no moor abeawt it. All things has but a time." A man cannot go wrong in Trinity Ward just now, if he wants to see poor folk.

Then he undid the string of it with his large awkward fingers, and pushed the stool across to David. 'Theer's sixty pund theer, Davy sixty pund! Yo can keawnt it it's aw reet. A've saved it for yo, this four year four year coom lasst Michaelmas Day. Hannah nor nobory knew owt abeawt it. But it's yourn it's yor share, being t' half o' Mr. Gurney's money.

But iv a gentleman axes mo into his heawse, aw'm noan beawn to be afeard. Aw'll coom in, for mayhap yo can help mo. It be a coorous plaze. What dun yo mak here? Col. G. What would you think now? Th. It looks to mo like a mason's shed a greight one. Col. G. You're not so far wrong. Th. It do look a queer plaze. Aw be noan so sure abeawt it.

Beside, fro wake lads, sick as yon, at's bin train't to nought but leet wark, an' a warm place to wortch in, what con yo expect? We'n had a deeal o' bother wi 'em abeawt bein' paid for weet days, when they couldn't wortch. They wur not paid for weet days at th' furst; an' they geet it into their yeds at Shorrock were to blame.

'I think, he said, addressing them, 'I would go home if I were you if you love her. They looked at his shining eyes and twitching lips, and understood. 'Aye, sir, aye, sir, yo're abeawt reet we'st not trouble her, sir. He carried his boy home, Sandy raining questions in a tumult of excitement.

Yo understan when yor letter came this mornin t'mon browt it up to Louie abeawt eight o'clock she towd me fust out i' th' yard an I said to her, 'Doan't you tell yor aunt nowt abeawt it, an we'st meet at t' station. An I made soom excuse to Hannah abeawt gooin ower t' Scout after soom beeasts an an Louie an me coom thegither. He passed his other hand painfully across his brow.

'Aunt Hannah says he lost his wits wi fuddlin, repeated Louie shrilly, striking straighter still for what she knew to be one of David's tenderest points his friendship for 'owd 'Lias Dawson, the queer dreamer, who, fifteen years before, had been the schoolmaster of Frimley Moor End, and in local esteem 't' cliverest mon abeawt t'Peak.

Here, I heard again the common story they had been several months out of work; their household goods had dribbled away in ruinous sales, for something to live upon; and now, they had very little left but the walls. The little woman said to me, "Bless yo, there is at thinks we need'n nought, becose we keepen a daycent eawtside. But, I know my own know abeawt that.