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Updated: August 22, 2024

Faith and me niver once a-smellin' the mice, the way she lay there, waitin', waitin' day after day, doubled up in the joints and waitin' for thim ten days to pass " "O God!" "I found her in bed yisterday, a-clutchin' the letter, or niver to my own dyin' would I have known the shameful truth of it.

'He's al'ys a-findin' faut wi' him, and a-poundin' him for nothin'. Let him goo an' eat his roost goose as is a-smellin' up in our noses while we're a-swallering them greasy broth, an' let my boy alooan. Mr. Spratt's small eyes flashed, and he was in danger of uttering sentiments not unexceptionable before the clergyman; but Mr.

But Billy'd say, a-grumblin' away, "It's worse'n worse, young ones a-botherin' my life out o' me, and the birds a-jabberin' and the posies a-smellin' till my head aches. Oh, deary me! I'm 'most dead." So 't went on and kep' on. Jack had every mite as hard work as Billy, but he didn't mind it, he was so full o' what was comin' and how good 't would be to get there.

"In your room, Pappy. I hate a place like this a-smellin' of liquor and inyuns and things, and men coming in and out," said Sybil, digging her elbow into her "Pappy's" ribs, and turning up her nose at the little tavern sitting-room. "Well, then, honey, we'll have it up there. Up there, landlord, if it won't be putting of you to too much trouble." "Oh, not at all, farmer; it's all one to me.

He ware but he bruk down afore he could finish. "'Twas five minits afore he could tell what had happened, th' old gal cussin' an' swearin' an' th' crowd a-hootin' an' jeerin', but finally th' skipper got some soldiers to carry th' old gal away. Thin out comes Garnett on th' main deck a-smellin' av his little vial, but avoidin' av th' skipper's eye.

We don't require no strangers: the people in this borough has always managed their own affairs, and by the help of Providence they'll go on in the good old way in spite of any swell that comes a-sniffin' and a-smellin' and a-pryin' and a-askin' for accounts about this and that and the other; and I tell the gentleman plain, the sooner this council sees his back the better they'll be pleased; so, if he's not too thick in the skin, let him take a friendly hint and take himself off."

"I hev seen many a gal who could shoot ez well ez ye kin, better," continued Jack jeeringly. "But law! I needn't kerry my heavy bones down thar in the hollow expectin' ter git a deer ter-day. They air all off in the woods a-smellin' the powder ye hev been wastin'." Andy was pleased to change the subject.

'This is the second annual ex'bition of the Society of Western Artists, says she." "There!" cried Melissa. "'Western artists'!" "'Are they all for sale? says I. "'Cert'nly, says she. "'Are folks interested? says I. "'Look around you, says she. "I did look around. People was walking along close to the wall, one after another, a-smellin' every picture in turn.

Theaw's bin tryin' th' wrong keigh, mon; thou has, for sure. Then Mary turned to Robin, an' hoo said, 'Whatever sort of a machine's this, Robin? 'Nay, said Robin, 'I dunnot know, beawt it's one o' thoose at's bin made for weshin' surplices. But Robin begun a-smellin' a rat; an', as he didn't want to ha' to tak it back th' same neet, he pike't off out at th' dur, while they wur hearkenin' th' music; an' he drove whoam as fast as he could goo.

"If I could just set a hoss onct, with twenty years under my hide, and look down on this here country, and the sage a-smellin' like it used to and the sunshine a-creepin' across my back easy and warm, with a sniff of the timber comin' down the mawnin' breeze; and 'way off the cattle a-lookin' no bigger'n flies on a office map why, I wouldn't trade that there seat in the saddle for a million in gold.

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