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Jim; it's as good as you are." "Good! I worn't a-thinking' about that. I wor jist a-looking at the picter of his blessed Majesty King George the Third, and the way he wore his wig. Kewrus, ain't it? Now, somebody's been and scratched 'im jist on the neck. Do yer see that ere cross?" "You seem awful suspicious, Mr. Jim. Give it me back again. I don't want you to have it." "Lord! suspicious!

John Blows was walking the earth, and much exercised as to his reasons for so doing. "Seemed such a monkey trick for 'im to do," complained Mr. Carter, to the listening circle at the Peal o' Bells. "'I'm a-looking at you, Joe, he ses, and he waggled his 'ead as if it was made of india-rubber."

"But it ain't all right," Beale insisted stubbornly; "it ain't no good. I must 'ave it all out, or bust. I didn't never take you along of me 'cause I fancied you like what I said. I was just a-looking out for a nipper to shove through windows see? along of that redheaded chap what you never set eyes on."

"And to think how you all have wored yourself out a-looking for it!" she further exclaimed. "Oh, me and Sister Viney have had a good time a-going through things; we haven't seen some of them for thirty or forty years. We found the flannel petticoat Ma was a-making for me when she died over forty-five years ago. The needle is a-sticking in it, and I'm a-going to finish it to wear next winter.

When they had started a minute or two George, who had been sitting by the fire listening to the talk, got up and stretched himself preparatory to going to bed, and said in his usual slow way: "Oi wonders what they be a-doing tonoight. Twice while ye ha' been a-talking oi ha' seen a chap a-looking in at t' window." "Thou hast!" Luke exclaimed, starting up. "Dang thee, thou young fool!

Joe now prepared to start forward, though his brain was still so perturbed at this sudden vision of his enemy that he scarcely knew where he was going, or in what direction to direct his steps. In a couple of strides Anton overtook him. "You ha' no call to fash about the little chap," he said; "and there ain't no use a-looking fur him, fur I have got him." "You have got little Maurice?" said Joe.

"I am proud, sir, to know as it'll come, in spite of opinions contrairey and Peckaby's wickedness; and I'm proud to be always a-looking out for it." "This is never it, is it, drawing up to the door now?" cried Lionel, with gravity. Something undoubtedly was curveting and prancing before the door; something with a white flowing tail. Mrs.

There's a deal o' trouble a-looking arter it. I'll talk wi' Silas, and settle that. By this time he had got upon the worn-tiled floor, and touching his hat again, he said 'I'm a-goin' to lock the door, ma'am! So with a start, and again whispering 'Come, Mary come away' With my arm fast in hers, we made a swift departure. 'I feel very faint, Mary, said I. 'Come quickly.

"He can't blame ME if the choir is out of key to-morrow." "Mercy me!" interrupted the spinster, "if there isn't Julia Strong a-leaning right out of that window a-looking at the circus, and her pa a deacon of the church, and this the house of the pastor. It's shocking! I must go to her." "Ma, let me see, too," begged Willie, as he tugged at his mother's skirts. Mrs. Willoughby hesitated.

Boots could have wished at the moment that the earth would have opened and swallowed him up, he felt so mean, with their beaming eyes a-looking at him, and believing him.